Married man *part 1* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by MARVEL8002: Tom is married to Y/N's best friend, but he cheats on her with Y/N.

*Please note: As this requests suggests, this one-shot includes cheating. I just want to say that of course I do not condone any form of cheating, cheating no matter what it involves is wrong, and obviously you shouldn't do it. Me writing requests about it isn't me condoning it. That is all, thank you and enjoy :)*

I knocked on Harrison's front door and waited for a response. A few moments later, it opened to reveal the blond boy.

"Y/N, hey, it's awesome to see you." he chuckled as he leant down and hugged me.

"Great to see you too, Haz." I smiled as I headed in and he shut the door behind me.

"That's for you." I nodded, handing him the bottle of wine.

"Thank you, that's brilliant. So, almost everyone else is here, so just head through." he shrugged. I nodded again and bit my lip as I headed through to his living room. I gulped, my eyes immediately wavering as I saw Tom. And his wife, my best friend, Leah. Fuck. I'd been friends with Leah since uni, when we'd shared the same student flat in first year and had just stuck together since. I had met Tom a year after Leah, and had instantly fallen for the god-like man. Everything about him was just perfect, everything from his stunning chocolate eyes and beautiful hazel waves, to the body that I obviously hadn't seen in person but could imagine given how tight his shirts always were. I had made the mistake of introducing Tom and Leah at a party a few years ago, a mistake that I regretted to this day since they hit it off immediately and were engaged within months. And so here I was, at a dinner party thrown by my other best mate, Harrison, and therefore stuck in a room for the night with my best friend and her husband that I was in love with. What could possibly go wrong?

"Y/N, hey!" Leah squealed, making me force a laugh as she ran to me and hugged me tightly.

"It's great to see you, how have you guys been?" I chuckled as I pulled away and looked at her.

"We've been great, haven't we, babe?" she smiled at Tom. I looked at him, my eyes wavering as he was already gazing softly at me.

"Um, yeah, sure. It's great to see you again, Y/N." Tom nodded as he leant down and kissed my cheek. He let it linger, making my heart jump as his hand also found my waist before he pulled away.

"It's always great to see you, Tom." I smiled, making him return it and bite his lip as we continued to look at each other.

"Jesus, do you guys want a room together?" Leah teased, making us both laugh awkwardly.

"I better grab a drink." I chuckled.

"Yeah, mine needs topping up too." Tom nodded. I gulped and tried to ignore my in-pain heart as he kissed Leah's cheek and we headed into the kitchen.

"It really is good to see you again, Y/N. You're looking really good. Really good." he nodded. I bit my lip and tried not to blush as his eyes subtly flicked up and down my body. But not subtle enough for me to not notice.

"It's great to see you too, Tom." I smiled, making him return it and bite his lip. This was why I had been so surprised when Tom and Leah had started dating, because I had always sworn that Tom liked me instead. Before Tom and Leah met, we'd virtually acted like a couple, with us flirting with each other, him stealing small touches and glances at me, and him always complimenting me in ways that you wouldn't expect from just a friend. I would have loved to say that that had stopped after they got together, but it hadn't. Tom had continued to glance at me from across the room, small smiles on his lips and stars in his eyes when he looked at me. I wasn't going to act on it for obvious reasons, but the reasoning behind him marrying Leah was something that I'd never understand.

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