The other guy *part 2* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by megholland: Y/N and Tom continue to see each other in a group, Y/N falling for him more each time. Harrison starts to suspect that something is going on and his suspicions get confirmed with him and Y/N are making out and she pushes him off of her because Tom walks by the door. Harrison figures out what's happening and blows up

"Let's just try and act like we're capable of having a good time today, yeah?" Harrison spoke as he drove us to Tom's house. I sighed and looked at him.

"I haven't been the problem, Haz." I retorted, making him roll his eyes. Since meeting Tom two months ago now, Harrison and I had since seen him several times, whether it was just the three of us or with his brothers, Jacob and Zendaya too. And each time that I'd seen him, I'd fallen for him even more. It was getting to the point where I was starting to feel nothing but friendship for Harrison, and nothing but love for Tom. The problem, of course, was that I didn't want to hurt my boyfriend, and I highly doubted that Tom would ever do that to him either by going for me. Which left me stuck. The situation was somehow made even worse by the fact that I suspected that Harrison was starting to catch on to my feelings for Tom. With every meet-up where the brunette boy and I got slightly closer and more flirty with each other, Harrison became more distant from me, and it was reaching the point where we now hadn't had sex in over two weeks and had barely kissed either in that time. I had to start playing it safer.

"Yeah, whatever. It's just a rough patch that we're going through, so Tom and his brothers don't need to know, okay?" Harrison asked as he pulled into Tom's driveway. I sighed and bit my lip at him. I needed to make more of an effort. I took his hand, making him look at me.

"We'll get through it, Haz. We'll be okay." I reassured. He nodded and gave me a small smile, making me return it as he raised my hand and kissed it before we climbed out of the car. I headed up the path, Harrison following behind me as I rang Tom's doorbell. Almost immediately it opened to reveal Tom, my heart skipping a beat like it always did.

"Hey, guys, how you doing?" he smiled, his land landing on my waist as he leant down and kissed my cheek.

"Not too bad, thanks. You?" I returned as I moved past him and into the house whilst him and Harrison hugged.

"I'm good. Looking forward to another movie night with my favourite people." he nodded, his gaze landing on me as he said that. I bit my lip and looked down, desperately trying to hide my blush at his words. Stop it, Y/N, I thought.

"Let's head through, everyone is in the living room." Tom spoke, making Harrison and I nod as we walked through to the living room. I smiled at Jacob and Zendaya, as well as Tom's twin brothers as they all looked up at us.

"Finally another woman, the levels of testosterone in this room are unbearable." Zendaya joked as she stood up, making us all laugh and chuckle as she hugged me.

"How are you guys?" Harry smiled as I hugged everyone, Harrison hugging them after me.

"Been better but okay generally." Harrison admitted as he sat down. I looked at him and scoffed quietly. So much for playing happy families. I looked around as everyone sat down, leaving no seats left on the sofas.

"Tom, you'd think that being a movie star would mean that you'd have enough sofas for all of your friends to sit on." I teased, making him smirk as he held his bottle of beer to his lips.

"Just sit on my lap, love." Harrison shrugged as he patted his leg. My smile dipped slightly, Tom's eyes wavering as he looked down and cleared his throat.

"See, that's the logical option." I teased, making everyone laugh as I tried to hide the embarrassment that I felt and play down the situation. I sat down on Harrison's lap and put my arm around his shoulder as his left arm wrapped around my waist to support my back, his right hand landing on my thigh. I gulped and looked at Tom. I couldn't get over how he almost looked jealous at the fact that I was sitting on Harrison's lap. My heart fluttered at the idea that maybe, just maybe, he liked me back. But of course, there was always going to be the dilemma of Harrison. I snapped out of my thoughts as I felt Harrison kiss my cheek, making me smile at him. I rid my brain of the dangerous thoughts, my eyes trying to ignore Tom's gaze on me as we started to play the movie.

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