Nervous boy (Tom Holland)

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Requested by MyMischiefisManages: Y/N and Tom are at the premier for a movie that they're both in. The paparazzi keep shouting at Tom whilst taking pictures of him, and Y/N can see that he's getting nervous. He keeps saying "please stop shouting at me" but they don't listen. Y/N gets very angry and yells at the paparazzi to stop stressing him out. Afterwards, she takes Tom home early and comforts him.

I climbed out of the limo, a smile immediately curling onto my lips as I stepped onto the red carpet. My black dress swept across the carpet, my perfectly done hair bouncing around my shoulders as I put my hand on my hip.

"Y/N!" I turned around, my heart jumping as Tom walked towards me.

"Tommy, hey! How are you doing?" I laughed as he leant down and kissed my cheek.#

"I'm amazing, especially now that you're here. You look stunning." he shook his head, making me smirk and blush under my makeup as his eyes flicked up and down my body.

"Why thank you. You don't look too shabby yourself." I flirted back. He smirked and bit his lip as he looked at me. When I had been cast as 'Emily' in the Russo Brothers' most recent movie, 'Cherry', I had been ecstatic. It was exactly the role to make my career and launch me into the views of more prominent Hollywood directors, which is exactly what it had done. I was happy enough, and then I had found out that Tom Holland, AKA the man that I was practically in love with, was playing the main character and my husband in the movie. Over the last two years of filming, Tom and I had grown extremely close, dare I say it to the point where I was almost convinced that he liked me in the same way that I liked him. And flirty little comments like the one that he had just made backed that idea up for me.

"I'm apparently first in the line-up, so I'll see you in there, yeah?" Tom checked, his hands staying on my waist as he looked at me.

"See you in there, Tommy. I look forward to it." I chuckled.

"Trust me, love, so do I." he nodded, making me smirk as he kissed my cheek again before heading along the rest carpet.

"Again, thank you so much for speaking with us today! Now, I think that you're due next on the red carpet!" the interviewer smiled as I stood in the interviews' section of the premier.

"Yeah, I think that I am! Thank you so much, bye, everyone." I smiled and waved into the camera before moving along. I approached the paparazzi section, my feet stopping in place as I saw that Tom was still being photographed. Bless the poor boy, I thought as I saw the smile that I knew was forced. In the time that I'd become friends with Tom, I'd learned that he absolutely hated premiers. He knew that they were an unavoidable part of our job, but he felt so stressed and under pressure that he could never fully relax until he was back at home. Hence why the boy was starting to look more nervous the more that paparazzi were yelling at him.






"Please stop shouting at me." the boy chuckled nervously, but I could tell by his Adam's apple bobbing that he was actually getting very nervous and stressed from all of the loud voices. And yet the paparazzi continued to yell at him.

"Guys, please stop." Tom gulped, his hands starting to nervously fiddle with his cuff links and run stressfully through his hair as he continued to be yelled at. My eyes widened, my blood starting to boil at the fact that he was being blatantly ignored and was clearly getting stressed. And yet they just kept shouting at him.

"Fuck no." I mumbled before walking into the section. Tom looked at me, his eyes widening as I walked to stand in front of the paparazzi.

"What the fuck is wrong with all of you?!" I shouted, making Tom's eyes widen further. The photographers stared at me with equally wide eyes, their mouths hanging open as they looked at me in shock.

"He asked you TWICE to stop shouting at him, you can see that he's getting nervous and what do you do? Continue to fucking yell at him!" I exclaimed, the entire red carpet now silent as everyone stared at me. I knew that I was making a massive scene, but Tom already looked like he was calming down given that not all attention was on him, and so I was doing my job.

"Be more fucking considerate next time. I absolutely hate to use this cliche, but we're people too. So if someone asks you politely to stop shouting at them, fucking do it." I spat before taking Tom's hand and pulling him out of the section. Slowly people started to murmur again, discussions of what had just happened starting up as I pulled Tom to the doors of the cinema.

"Thanks for doing that, sweetheart. It was all just getting a bit much for me." He gulped, making me give him a small smile as we walked into the cinema.

"It's alright, Tommy. I could tell that it was getting to you, and you asked them twice to stop, so I figured that it was time to step in." I shrugged.

"Well, thank you. I appreciate it." he nodded. I returned it and gave him a small smile, him returning the smile as we sat down in our seats.

"Here we are." Tom chuckled, unlocking the front door to his house as we headed in. After the incident with the paparazzi, and me knowing how stressed premiers made Tom, we left as soon as the movie had ended and headed back to his. I could already see his body relaxing on the way back, telling me that the boy was finally calming down.

"You want a drink, sweetheart?" Tom asked as I sat on his sofa and he headed into his kitchen.

"Please. Anything will be fine." I nodded, my eyes looking around the room that I'd been in a dozen times by now. He walked back in with two glasses of wine in his hands, making me give him a small smile as he handed me one and sat down next to me.

"Today was crazy, huh." he chuckled slightly as he raised the glass of wine to his lips.

"That's one way to put it. There will definitely be memes of my outburst all over the internet come tomorrow." I nodded, making Tom laugh and shake his head.

"Yeah, I'm sorry that you had to do that." he chuckled.

"Don't worry, Tommy, I didn't have to do anything. I chose to step in and make a scene because I know that you don't like a scene being made, and you were getting nervous. We're friends and I stepped in to help, it's what friends do." I shrugged as I raised the wine to my lips. Tom's eyes wavered and he gulped as he looked down.

"What if we weren't friends? What if we were more?" he asked as he looked back up at me. My eyebrows furrowed, my hand lowering the glass away from my lips as I swallowed the alcohol.

"What?" I gulped, my heart starting to pound as my mind begged Tom to say what I thought that he was about to.

"What if we were really more? Because I really fucking like you, darling, and I have for a while now. Tonight just proved to me that you care about me so much that you're willing to potentially embarrass yourself a bit in order to protect me. I don't know, it meant a lot to me. And so, I'd love to take you out sometime." he nodded. I bit my lip and desperately tried to not look shocked at the fact that he actually felt the same, and he was the one asking me out. This was perfect.

"I'd love that, Tommy." I smiled and nodded. He breathed a sigh of relief, making my smile widen as I leant in and gently kissed him. He returned it, his hand raising to cup my face as I rested my hand on his chest. He broke the kiss and looked at me.

"Fuck. I like you so much." he smiled and shook his head, making me chuckle and stare into his gorgeous chocolate orbs.

"I like you so much too, Tommy." I mumbled with a smile. He bit his lip, our smiles widening as he leant in and kissed me again.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now