Heather *part 2* (Peter Parker)

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Requested by simpforsoup: Over time, Y/N and Spider-Man meet up every night and he helps her to get over her heartbreak. She gets to the point where she's even starting to like him and thinks that he might even feel the same. But she still doesn't know that it's Peter, and he still doesn't know that the boy that she's talking about is him. One night, he slips up and admits who he is. Y/N is heartbroken and bursts. She doesn't reveal her feelings but is devastated because the one person that she thought that she could have, she can no longer have.

I sat on the roof, my legs swinging over the edge like they always did as I looked out over the city. I looked up, a smile curling onto my lips as I heard Spider-Man land a few metres away from me. He stood up and walked towards me.

"Hey, Spidey." I teased, making him laugh as he sat down next to me and put his arm around me.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. I am. What about you?" I asked. He nodded and looked at me.

"Yeah." He chuckled. I smiled and bit my lip. Since Peter and MJ had admitted that they were dating two months ago now and I had come to the rooftop and had ended up pouring my heart out to Spider-Man, we'd met up more and more regularly since. First it had been once a week, then every few days, and now we met up every evening. Over time we'd gotten physically closer, too. It had started with the boy sitting a metre away from me and moving closer by the day. Then it had been a reassuring hand on my knee and now it was an arm around me. We had become so close that I didn't even know if I liked Peter anymore. All I knew was that I was growing more fond of Spider-Man by the day. His hand landed against my waist, making me lean down and rest my head against his shoulder. He rested his head on top of mine, both of us looking out as the sun started to set.

"How was your day? You still thinking about him? The guy that you're in love with?" Spider-Man mumbled. I bit my lip.

"No...you're all that I think about now." I admitted quietly, my heart pounding as I uttered the words. After all, what else did I have to lose? I felt the hero raise his head, making me gulp as I looked up at him to see that he was already gazing at me.

"I'm...what you think about? Me?" He gulped. I returned it and looked down.

"Yeah, you are. It's just that you've helped me so much over the last couple of months, you've helped me get over the guy. I know that it's kind of silly, especially since I don't know what you look like, but I just...I feel a real connection between us." I spoke as I looked up at him. He looked at me with wide white eyes, my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to work out what he was going to say.

"H-how come you can never say this to me normally?" He scoffed and shook his head. My eyebrows furrowed at his words.

"What? What do you mean?" I scoffed. His white eyes widened again and he looked down.

"Shit." He whispered and rubbed his gloved hand against his face. I stood up, making him sigh and look up at me.

"What do you mean, how come I never say this to you? I've been extremely open with you this entire time, and I don't know you in my normal life-." He sighed and looked down, making my eyes widen.

"Spider-Man, who the fuck are you?" I gulped. He returned it, his hand gripping the edge of the roof as the other hand raised to his head. I watched with wide eyes, my heart in my throat as he started to pull his mask off. He pulled the fabric off, making me choke. My eyes wavered, a tear immediately leaving them as Peter looked down with a clenched jaw. No, I thought, no. My heart shattered yet again, my mind racing as I tried to figure this fucked-up shit out. This whole time, I had been talking to Peter about himself. Thank fuck I'd never said the name of who I was in love with. But that was the thing. Talking with Spider-Man had taken my mind off of Peter. Taken my mind off of the fact that I couldn't have who I was in love with. I dared to say that I'd even started to fall more in love with Spider-Man than I was with Peter, and had dreamed that he felt the same. And so to find out that the one person that I thought that I could have was the exact person that I knew I couldn't have, well. It was heartbreaking.

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