Homesick (Tom Holland)

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Requested by flowerbomb1692: Y/N and Tom are doing a movie together, and Y/N has no one with her. Tom is the only actual friend she's made whilst making the movie. One night, she can't sleep because she's homesick and finds herself knocking on Tom's trailer door. They bond, talk, cuddle and it leads to something else.

I sat at one of the picnic tables that was set up in the warehouse for meal times, silently eating my food as I looked down at the plate.

"Hey, darling." I looked up and gave my co-star and crush, Tom, a smile as he walked towards me with his food.

"Hey. Why aren't you sitting with everyone else?" I chuckled, my eyes flicking to look at the two full tables in front of our one as he sat down opposite me.

"Why aren't you?" he teased.

"You know why." I scoffed, making him smirk and shake his head as we started to eat. I was playing Tom's love interest in our newest movie 'Cherry', and it was going really well. Well, working with Tom was, anyway. Since having moved to the set and started filming six months ago, I hadn't been able to make friends with anyone on the set apart from Tom and his brother slash assistant, Harry. I wasn't sure what it was, but I just failed to click with everyone else but Tom, and they'd all failed to click with me too. It really sucked most of the time, because it meant that I was in a different country and was basically alone. Everyone else had family or friends, and Tom had his brother as well as the natural talent to just get along with everyone. So, it made me feel very homesick at times when everyone else was getting along together, and I was left on my own. Which was why I was grateful for Tom having sat with me instead of the rest of the cast for our lunch break.

"It's okay if you're a bit of a social recluse, Y/N. Nothing wrong with being introverted." Tom gently poked fun at me.

"I'm not introverted, they're just assholes who don't like me." I mumbled.

"Wow." Tom smirked, making me chuckle and shake my head as Harry walked towards us.

"What are you two chuckle fucks talking about?" he smiled as he sat down next to Tom.

"You." I teased.

"Harry, tell her that she's an introvert." Tom scoffed. Harry looked between us.

"Why?" he shrugged.

"We're just discussing why she doesn't really get on with the rest of the cast. My argument is that she's just introverted." Tom nodded.

"Yeah. You are a bit." Harry agreed. I playfully rolled my eyes and stood up with my now empty plate.

"Love you guys, too." I teased, making Tom smirk and wink at me as I walked away from the table.

I lay in bed, tears rolling down my face as I stared at the ceiling of my trailer bedroom. I bit my lip in a futile attempt to stop more drops of saltwater from running out of my eyes and down my cheeks, but it was useless considering that all of my thoughts were of home and my family. I felt so alone here, I felt like I had no one, and it didn't help that I was thousands of miles away from my home. I gulped, my heart starting to pound as I looked at the time. One fifteen a.m. Surely it was too late to bother Tom, but he was the only thing that felt familiar right now. It helped that he was also English, so he felt like a piece of home, but he was also one of the only ones here that I got on with. I wouldn't be able to sleep now without him. I sighed and sat up, my brain hoping that he wouldn't mind the late intrusion as I stood up and grabbed my hoodie. I pulled it on over my pyjamas as I padded through my trailer and opened the door. I hissed slightly as I stepped out, the warehouse being absolutely freezing at night, especially on naked feet. I walked to Tom's trailer before gently knocking against the door. The light flicked on, making my eyes widen as I realised that I'd woken him up. Shit, I thought as I heard shuffling. The door opened, Tom's messy hair, naked torso and squinted eyes telling me that I'd definitely woken the boy up.

"Y/N? You okay, love?" he asked with a raspy voice.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. It's just that I feel incredibly homesick right now, and I could really use a hug." I choked and shook my head. His eyes widened slightly as he saw the tears.

"Fuck, course, come in." he nodded as he extended his arm. I gave him a small smile and headed into the trailer, his hand gently landing on my back as he shut the door behind me.

"Is it alright if I just sleep with you? I could use a talk and a cuddle." I admitted quietly.

"Yeah, anything that you need." he reassured. I gave him another smile of thanks as we headed into his bedroom. I sat down on his bed, Tom climbing into his side before lying down. He lay his arm out against my pillow, making me give him a small smile as I lay down and rested my head on his chest. He curled his arm around my waist, making me cuddle further into his body.

"You want to talk about it?" He mumbled quietly as he gently pressed his lips to my head. I bit my lip, more tears pricking my eyes as I lay against his chest.

"I just feel so alone right now. I'm hours away from my family, I don't have any friends on the set, and we've got another year of filming." I choked.

"I'm sorry that you feel alone, Y/N. For what it's worth, you'll never be alone with me here. I'll never let you be alone, I'm always going to be here for you." He reassured. I closed my eyes, more tears streaming down my face at his kind words.

"Do you ever feel lonely, Tommy?" I asked quietly. He sighed and moved underneath me, the movement telling me that he was looking down at me.

"Course I do. It happens, you get homesick, you want to be back home. But having a friend, or something more, helps me get through." He admitted quietly. My eyebrows furrowed and I raised my head to look at him.

"What do you mean, something more than a friend?" I whispered. He gulped harshly, his jaw clenching as he looked down.

"What I mean is that I like you. As more than a friend. And of course I get lonely and homesick, even with Harry here, but what always keeps me going is you. Knowing that I'll wake up and see your beautiful face, knowing that we have scenes when we get to kiss and be close. Knowing that you rely on me just as much as I rely on you. All of that is what keeps me going." He confessed. My eyes widened slightly, my heart starting to race as I sat up. Tom gulped, his eyes wavering as I placed my hand on his chest.

"You like me?" I returned his gulp.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, I know that you didn't come here to be told that, you came here to feel better, but, I don't know. It felt like the right time." He nodded. I bit my lip, my heart jumping in happiness at his words. I leant down and pressed our lips together, making Tom's eyes widen. He returned it immediately, his hand raising to cup my cheek and pull me closer as my eyes fluttered shut. I sunk further into his chest, his tongue slipping into my mouth as he deepened the kiss. I broke the kiss and looked at him, his chocolate orbs returning the glance.

"I'm sorry, it felt like the right time for that too." I chuckled quietly, making him smile and bite his lip.

"Don't be sorry, I would have gone in for the kiss if you hadn't." He teased. I smirked and shook my head.

"I admitted that to you so that you never feel homesick again, so that you never feel lonely again. I'm glad that you came to see me tonight. You can always come and see me if you feel lonely. I can be your home away from home." He nodded as his fingers gently stroked my cheek. I bit my lip at him, tears pricking my eyes at his kind words.

"Thank you, Tommy. I'd love for you to be that." I spoke. He gave me a small smile before leaning in and kissing me again. I returned the kiss, my hand holding his cheek. I broke it and rested my head back on his chest, his arm pulling me further against his body as his cheek rested on my head. I sighed in bliss, feeling less homesick and more loved as I fell asleep in Tom's arms. And it was perfect.

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