The child *part 1* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by Tils212004: Tom is dating Y/N, who has a small child. Tom and the child meet for the first time and get along immediately, even though the child is really shy.

Tom and I lay in bed, our naked bodies wrapped in his white sheets as I lay against his chest and his strong arms held me. I sighed in bliss, my eyes fighting to stay open as his fingers gently moved through my hair.

"Love, I've been thinking." he mumbled.

"That's dangerous." I teased, making him smirk and kiss my head as I looked up at him.

"I want to finally meet Kieran." he admitted. My eyes widened slightly and I sat up as I placed my hand on his chest.

"What?" I gulped.

"I think that I'm ready." he nodded.

"Okay, but what if I'm not ready?" I choked as I sat up completely.

"Hey, hey." he chuckled, making me sigh and look at him as he gently cupped my cheeks. I looked down and let my eyes flutter shut. Tom and I had been dating for a year now, and it was going amazingly. It was going so well in fact, that we were already starting to talk about marriage and having children together. But there was one thing standing in the way of all of that, and that was the fact that I had a five-year-old son named Kieran. Tom couldn't wait to meet my son and to become his step-dad, but I simply wasn't ready yet for them to meet. As much as I loved him, Kieran hadn't exactly been planned, instead he'd been the result of a drunk hook-up during a party at uni all of those years ago. I had ended up dropping out in order to raise him, but then I had met Tom and everything had just fallen into place. I had no reservations that Tom would make an amazing dad for Kieran, but I had introduced my little boy to partners in the past, only for it to fail quickly afterwards and for him to be upset. I didn't want that to happen with Tom.

"Darling, look at me." he spoke quietly, making me gulp as he touched our foreheads. I sighed and looked at him as tears pricked my eyes.

"I know why you're worried, and I get it. Kieran's your son, he's your world, so I can understand trying to protect him from something potentially not working out. But you're it for me, sweetheart. I want you to be my wife, I want us to give Kieran siblings, I want it all and I want it with you. I know that after just one year with you. So, please rest assured that I'm not going anywhere. I'm here for Kieran just as much as I'm here for you." he nodded. I bit my lip, a tear leaving my eye at the sweetness of his words as I looked at him.

"I know, I-I'm just scared. After introducing Kieran to my partners is where it all starts to go wrong, every time." I choked.

"It's going to be different this time, sweetheart, I know that it will be, yeah?" he mumbled as he gently leant in and peppered my cheek and jawline with feathery kisses. I sighed and bit my lip.

"Okay, Tommy. Alright, yeah, you should meet him. If we're as serious as we claim to be, you need to meet my son." I nodded. He returned it and smiled, making me return it as he leant in and gently pressed our lips together.

Tom and I stood in my kitchen, me leaning against the counter and nervously tapping my fingernails against my mug as we waited for my parents to bring Kieran home. Tom looked at me.

"Love." he chuckled, making me sigh and gulp as he gently took the mug off of me and put it down before resting his hands on my waist.

"It's going to be fine. From what you've said, Kieran is an amazing little boy, and I'm sure that we're going to get on just fine." he reassured.

"Fuck, you're right. I'm sorry, Tommy, it's just that you're my first serious boyfriend since Kieran was a toddler, so this is all still new to him. But yeah, you're right. It's going to be fine." I nodded.

"Exactly." he chuckled, making me return it and peck his lips as the doorbell rang. I gulped, my heart immediately starting to thump more harshly as I looked at Tom.

"Showtime." I nodded before leaving his arms and heading down the hall. I opened the door, my eyes immediately brightening as I saw Kieran.

"MUMMY!" he squealed, making me laugh and get down onto my knees so that I could hug him.

"Did you have a good weekend with grandma and grandad, K?" I smiled.

"It was so awesome, we went to the zoo and saw gorillas and grandma bought me an ice cream for behaving so well, and I got to feed the other monkeys, and we saw zebras and everything, and it was so cool!" he rambled, making me laugh and shake my head as I stood back up. I looked at my parents.

"Thanks so much for taking him for the weekend." I nodded.

"It's alright. Are you really going to introduce him to Tom?" mum asked quietly. I bit my lip and looked down at Kieran, my hands smoothing over his curls. I nodded again and looked back at them.

"We're in love, mum, we want to spend the rest of our lives together. Now feels right for them to meet." I spoke.

"Okay, honey. Well, let us know how it goes and we'll see you later." dad replied as they headed back down the steps.

"See you later." I nodded before closing the door. I smiled and bit my lip at Kieran before getting back down onto my knees in front of him.

"I've got something to tell you, babe. You know the really nice man that mummy has been seeing for a year now?" I asked gently. He nodded and looked at me with my own eyes, making my heart so grateful that he was mine.

"He's here. And he wants to meet you." I admitted. His eyes widened slightly.

"Why does he want to meet me?" he asked quietly.

"Because he loves me, and so he loves you, and he might even be your new daddy soon. How cool would that be?" I smiled, making him return it and nod.

"Come on, baby, he's so excited to meet you." I reassured before standing up and gently taking his hand. He immediately went behind me, the small boy hiding behind my legs as I walked him into the kitchen. Tom's eyes brightened as we walked in, and he gulped as he tried to look around my legs at Kieran.

"Hey, Kieran. My name is Tom. I've heard a lot about you, buddy." Tom smiled as he crouched down in front of me and looked at my son. Kieran gulped and looked at him with wary eyes, but still started to come out slightly from behind my legs.

"What have you heard about me?" he asked quietly. Tom bit his lip and looked up at me, making me smile at him in reassurance. He returned it and looked at Kieran.

"I've heard that you're a very smart boy, who absolutely loves superheroes and Lego. And so I brought you a little present." he nodded as he reached his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small Lego "Spider-Man" figure. Kieran's eyes widened as he took it.

"Thank you, that's so cool! It'll look awesome on my building!" he exclaimed excitedly, making Tom and I chuckle as he stood back up.

"How about you show Tom your building, love?" I encouraged. Kieran giggled and nodded before taking Tom's hand and starting to pull him to the Lego in the living room, making Tom smile and look at me as he allowed my son to drag him into place. I bit my lip, tears pricking my eyes as my two boys sat down and started to happily play together.

Tom and I sat on the sofa, Kieran asleep in between us as we watched a quiet movie. I bit my lip and looked down at Kieran as I gently ran my fingers through his hair.

"You were right about him, darling. He's an amazing kid." Tom mumbled quietly, making me look up at him and give him a small smile.

"His dad was an asshole, so I'm lucky that he's the complete opposite of him. He liked you too, you know. I've never seen him drag someone to his Lego that quickly." I teased. Tom smirked and shook his head as we looked down at my son.

"I can't wait to treat him like my own son. I can't wait to help you raise him, alongside any more kids that we have." he admitted quietly.

"I can't wait for that either, Tommy. I can't wait for our own little family to start growing." I smiled. He returned it and bit his lip before leaning in and gently kissing me.

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