Cuts and bruises (Soulmates!AU, Peter Parker)

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Requested by pennywinkle0112: Peter and Y/N have always been enemies. So when they find out that they're soulmates, they can't stand the idea. Soon enough, though, they realise that they're in love with each other and get jealous when one flirts with someone else.

"For fucks' sake." I groaned, my eyes glued to my face in the school bathroom's mirror as I stared at the deep purple bruising around my eye.

"And you say that it only appeared this morning?" MJ asked as she stood next to me, my hands frantically plowing through my makeup bag as I tried to find my foundation and concealer to cover up the bruising.

"Literally just this morning. I woke up late and so just got dressed and rushed out. Didn't have time to look in a mirror." I grumbled.

"Um...I hate to make your already shitty day even worse, but Peter has that exact same bruise too." MJ stated. My eyes widened and I looked at her through the mirror.

"No." I scoffed. She nodded, making me groan and look down. In our lives, we had soulmates. Not in theory, not in idea, everyone was literally born to be with someone else. The tell-tale sign that someone was your soulmate was that if they got hurt, the exact same injury in the same place as your soulmate had would appear on you too, and vice versa. And so the fact that Peter Parker had a bruise in the exact same place as me wasn't good, as it suggested that he was my soulmate. This wouldn't be a problem if it was only his looks to take into account. After all, I wouldn't lie and say that Peter was ugly, he was very attractive on the surface of things. But underneath that, he was a dick. Peter Parker was a know-it-all nerd who relished the feeling of answering any questions right that I had gotten wrong seconds before him. He loved the feeling of being right when I was wrong, and he'd always been like that. The problem with that was that I'd always had a bit of a crush on him. I wasn't sure if it was purely down to his looks, all I knew was that whenever he smiled, I felt my heart warm up. Whenever he laughed, the sound ran through me and just made me feel happier. Which is why it was a problem that we supposedly hated each other, and why it was shit that we were potentially soulmates.

"Yes. He's out there right now, at his locker, with a bruise identical to that. I know that you hate him, and so I know that this will suck to hear, but I think that he's your soulmate." MJ nodded. I sighed, my eyes glued to the bathroom sink as tears pricked my eyes. Only I could be unlucky enough to have my enemy be my soulmate.

"Fuck. I have to talk to him, don't I?" I groaned and looked back up at her. She nodded and bit her lip, making me sigh as I grabbed my makeup bag and shoved it back into my main bag.

"No point in covering it up if I'm just going to show Parker it." I mumbled, making MJ chuckle and nod as I left the bathroom.

I walked along the hall, my bag slung over my shoulder as I walked. My eyes wavered as I saw Peter at his locker down the hall. Sure enough, his left eye was also circled with a deep purple and blue bruise. Fuck, I thought as I stared at the boy. I guessed that I had to confront him now. After all, we had classes together all day and I had decided against covering up the bruise on my face, and so he'd see soon enough that we had identical bruises. I walked up to him, his focus still on Ned and whatever he was putting in his locker.

"Hey, Parker." I spoke, making him look at me. His eyes widened, his Adam's apple bobbing as he saw my face.

"Oh, fuck." he mumbled as I walked towards him.

"We need to talk. Now." I demanded.

"Yeah, no shit." he scoffed, making butterflies explode in my stomach as he took my hand and led me into an empty classroom. He shut the door behind him and turned to face me.

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