Emotionless (Tom Holland)

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Requested by MyMischiefisManaged: Tom is dating Y/N, who is a very closed up girl who doesn't show emotion. She's not touchy-feely at all and Tom has never seen her cry because Y/N thinks that showing emotion makes her look weak. One day, Tom is really mad and he starts taking it out on Y/N. Y/N starts crying, making Tom know that he messed up badly.

Tom and I sat on the sofa, his arm over my thigh as we watched the movie. Even his arm being there was a bit too intimate for me, but Tom liked it, so I let him do it. Tears rolled down Tom's face, my boyfriend of six months in floods of tears as we watched the scene.

"How are you not in tears, darling? Her poor puppy is dying, and she can't stop it." he choked and shook his head. I chuckled and looked at him.

"I mean, it's sad, Tommy, sure, but not crying sad." I shrugged. He looked at me with red and puffy eyes.

"Are you joking? Have you SEEN the state that I'm in?" he scoffed, making me sigh and bite my lip. Tom had learned very quickly when he had started to date me that I was not an emotionally extroverted person. As much as I loved Tom, I wasn't one of those girls who wanted to be wrapped in their boyfriend's arms twenty-four-seven or who needed constant love and attention. Even Tom's hand on my thigh was sometimes too much for me. And then there was my inability to show any emotion, whatsoever. Of course I felt emotion, I felt sad when I saw Tom cry and I felt happy when I saw him happy. The only issue was me showing it. There had been several fights that we'd had that had been made worse by the fact that I looked unbothered by the fact that I was fighting with Tom, the lack of emotion really getting to him sometimes. I knew that he found it hard, but I couldn't just change and start showing emotion overnight, especially as that would make me look extremely weak. No. If Tom loved me, he'd have to put up with my lack of emotion and affection.

"You're just more emotional than I am, Tommy." I shrugged as the end credits started to roll.

"Yeah, clearly." he scoffed, making me look at him as he clicked the TV off and extended a hand to me.

"Does it ever bother you? That I don't show emotion?" I asked as he pulled me up and we started to head towards his bedroom.

"I mean, you know that it bothers me when we're fighting, but not generally. Part of who you are is not showing emotion. And I love you for who you are." he shrugged. I looked at him and nodded as we pulled back the duvet and climbed into his bed.

"Thanks, Tommy. I appreciate that." I spoke.

"I know that you do, sweetheart. I know." he reassured. I gave him a small smile as he leant in and pecked my lips.

"Night, babe. I love you." he spoke as we both lay down, my back facing Tom.

"Ditto." I responded, making him chuckle and place his hand on my hip as we closed our eyes and drifted off into sleep.

I sat in Tom's kitchen, sipping my coffee and scrolling through my phone as I waited for him to get back from walking Tessa. As if on cue, I heard the door open. And then slam. My eyebrows furrowed and I looked up.

"Tommy?" I called out. My eyes widened as he stormed into the kitchen, looking very pissed off as Tessa followed him in.

"What a fucking piss take." he mumbled under his breath.

"What happened, Tom?" I asked as I stood up.

"I take Tessa to the dog park, all is fine. She goes to the bathroom but I can't find any poo bags in my pockets, so I'm stood there for a moment whilst I try to find them. Then this arsehole comes up to me and starts yelling at me to pick up my dog's shit. I keep trying to tell him that I will do, once I find a bag to put it in, but he doesn't fucking listen, does he? He just keeps screaming in my face and threatening to report me to the local council for not cleaning up after Tessa. The ENTIRE time, I'm trying to tell that I'm just trying to find a sodding bag." he scoffed and shook his head.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now