The battle of Hogwarts (Harry Potter!AU, Tom Holland)

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Requested by Meg_Weasley: Tom and Y/N are a couple, Tom is in the same year as Fred and George, and Y/N is in the same year as the golden trio. The couple are very popular within the Gryffindor house. During the battle of Hogwarts, Tom and Y/N get separated. Y/N ends up really injured but she's still alive, a fact that makes Tom cry.

*Please note: this one-shot contains MASSIVE spoilers for the final 'Harry Potter' movie, so if somehow you've not watched it yet and don't want to know what happens, I suggest that you go away and watch it before reading this. If you already know what happens and / or don't care about spoilers, enjoy :)*

"Put your hands together for the guy who won us the Quidditch Cup, Tom!" Fred cheered, making us all whoop and clap as Tom ran into the centre of the crowd. I laughed and shook my head as he got up on the table and raised his arms, making everyone laugh and cheer as he smiled widely.

"Thank you, thank you. It's always a pleasure to bring home the cup for Gryffindor!" he exclaimed. Everyone cheered again as Tom extended his hand to me. I bit my lip and placed my hand into his so that he could pull me up onto the table. As soon as I was up, he leant down and pressed our lips together. I smiled into it and held his face, everyone cheering and whooping as he held my waist. Tom and I had dated for almost two years now, since he was seventeen and I was sixteen. We had met at the start of school, when I had been placed into the house of Gryffindor. I had become best friends with Harry, Hermione and Ron, and had soon met all of Ron's siblings. And with Fred and George, came Tom Holland. The boy was best friends with the Weasley twins, and there had been an instant connection between the two of us from the moment that we met, aged twelve and eleven. Though we hadn't acted on it, the fear of being rejected by the other person and therefore ruining our friendship too strong in both of our minds to push for anything more than friends. That was until the Winter ball had been announced. Tom had asked to take me to it, and I had happily accepted. We had become official that night, had been a couple ever since and everything was perfect. Hence why we were currently standing on the main table in the Gryffindor common room, lips joined and everyone cheering as we celebrated Tom bringing home the cup for our house. He broke the kiss and smiled at me, making me return it and bite my lip.

"I love you, darling. So much." he shook his head.

"I love you too, Tommy. And I'm so proud of you." I chuckled. His smile widened and he leant down to kiss me again, making me return it as I held his face in my hands.

"Get a room already!" George yelled, making everyone laugh and cheer as Tom broke the kiss.

"Alright then, see everyone in the morning." Tom teased. Everyone clapped and whooped, making me laugh and shake my head as he took my hand and pulled me down from the table.

The memory of that night was a beautiful one, but the perfect moment was worlds away from where we now were. Where we now were, was hell. Tom and I were running through the school, hands joined as we tried to get as far away from Voldemort's army as possible. All of the times that Dumbledore had warned us to be vigilant and to pay attention in class because we'd need those seemingly useless skills one day, he had been right. We were going into the school's darkest hour, the doors barricaded and people prepping for a battle that not all of us would emerge from alive. This was it. And I was terrified.

"What do we do? Where do we go?" I gulped, both Tom and I looking around the chaotic scene of teachers attempting to herd terrified students to safety frantically.

"Fuck, I don't know. I know that Dumbledore said that Voldemort would come back, but I don't think that any of us actually believed it." Tom shook his head. I looked down the corridor and sighed in relief as Fred and George ran towards us.

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