The Wedding - Raphael

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It's today. You and Raph are finally getting married! You feel like you've been waiting for ever for this day to arrive.

After attending L/GF and Leo's wedding a few weeks ago, you were really eager but also really nervous. Once again you're getting ready in April's apartment. You chose L/GF, D/GF and M/GF as your bridesmaids and Raph had chosen Casey as his best man.

You step out from behind the Closet door wearing your wedding dress: A silk white, A-line dress that flared out at the hem with a sweetheart neckline and detailing at the side of the bodice. You chose your bridesmaids outfits as strapless baby pink dresses that puffed out slightly with the skirt.

As you emerge from behind the closet door, the girls mouths drop open. "You. Look. Amazing." They all say in unison.

"Thank you. So do you!" You reply.

April suddenly wanders in and her gaze fixes on you. She gasps. "Y/n! You look beautiful!" She says.

"Thanks April." You reply. April whips out her phone.

"Got time for a few wedding-day photos?"

"Always!" You squeal as April readies the camera. After a few photos she looks at her watch. "Oh man, we gotta get going!" She rushes you all outside and into the Porsche that waited outside her apartment.
The venue is set in Central Park. You chose it especially because it's where you hung out as a kid. Some of your best childhood memories are here. The moment the car pulls up near the gazebo where everyone is, everyone turns around and their mouths drop open, including Raph's.

You step out of the car, and wait for everyone else to join you. The music starts the L/GF, D/GF and M/GF start walking down the aisle, you following closely behind.

When you get to the top with Raph and the priest, Raph mouths to you: You look beautiful. You simply blush and smile. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Raphael and Y/n." The priest says. You look at Raph excitedly, and he smiles back at you.

Finally he gets to the "I Do's". You can hardly contain your excitement. Your heart is thumping out of your chest. "Do you, Raphael Hamato, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

You feel like your about to pass out you're so excited. "And do you, Y/n L/n, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"If anyone has any objections to this decision, speak now or forever hold your peace." No one says anything, but some people look around to see if anyone will object. "Very good then." The priest continues. "With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife." You look at Raph excitedly. "You may now kiss the bride."

You try and keep your feet firmly on the ground as Raph leans in and gives you a soft yet passionate kiss. Everyone cheers as you and Raph walk down the aisle and towards the car, now a very happily married couple.

Fast forward two hours later and everyone is hanging out at a beautiful local Italian restaurant. Raph stands up and clears his throat to get everyone's attention. "Thank you all so much for coming today, and for helping celebrate this amazing occasion with myself and my beautiful, amazing, intelligent-"

"We get the point!" Mikey interrupts, only to be hit over the head by M/GF.

"...Now wife." Raph continues. "You've all helped make this day so special, for both of us." As he sits down, Leo, Mikey, Casey and Donnie stand up.

"Here's to Raph and Y/n!" They all say in unison, raising their glasses.

Raph smiles and kisses you on the cheek. Some music starts playing and people start heading towards the dance floor. Raph drags you towards it, feeling like dancing. You reluctantly join him, dancing ever so slightly to the beat.

Casey and April are dancing together as well. I guess they forgave each other. You think to yourself.

Eventually the music slows down, and starts playing: How did I fall in love with you by the Backstreet Boys. Raph gently pulls you into the middle of the dance floor and the two of you slow dance together.

You finally feel happy. You feel safe. You feel protected. You love Raph more than anything in the world, and being with him right now is all you ever wanted.

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