First day of School - Leonardo

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Today's Lily's first day of school. As exciting as it is, Leo seems very nervous about it.

"Have you got everything?" You ask. "Books?"







"YES! Mom, let's go!" She grabs your hand and drags you out the door. You kiss Leo on the cheek before leaving.

"I'll be watching from the rooftops." He replies.

When you get to school, you notice R/W, D/W and M/W dropping all their kids off as well. Lily sees Taya and Skye as they wave to each other. "Mom, can I go with Taya and Skye? Please?"

You roll your eyes as you see R/W smile at you. You smile back. "Yes, you can." You reply. Lily giggles and hugs you.

"Thanks mom! Love you! Bye!" She races off to meet her cousins.

"Love you too. Bye." You wipe away a tear of joy as she runs into the schoolyard. You're joined by R/W.

"They're not babies anymore." She says, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"I know. I just can't believe my little girl is growing up so quickly." You reply. R/W nods just as the bell starts to ring.

"We'd better be heading back." She says. You nod as she starts walking. Before you turn around, a sudden icey chill fills the air. You shivver. "You alright?" R/W asks.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." You reply. Suddenly, you see something out of the corner of your eye. A woman with short black hair and gold eyes. You didn't recognise her, but there was something about her that seemed so familiar; almost as if you'd known her for years. Who is she?

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