Talking about your parents - Donatello

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Donnie and Jordan are bonding over his new encyclopaedia he got for his birthday. You're sitting in the corner, reading the paper. The way that Donnie and Jordan connected with each other just makes your heart flutter. Your two greatest loves in life, together, is just pure magic.

Getting sidetracked, you come to a realisation. You stand up. "Jordie, why don't you go and see what Matt is up to?"

"Okay!" He says, bounding out the door.

Donnie looks at you, confused. "We need to talk." You say. He just blinks. "Are we ever going to introduce Jordan to my parents?"

Donnie just bursts out laughing. "Good one!" He snickers. The look on your face does his reaction no justice. "Oh." He says. "You're serious."

"He's a smart boy. He's going to figure it out sooner or later." You say.

"And when he does, we'll tell him." Donnie starts to swivel back on his chair.

"No, we need to introduce them now." You say, spinning him back around to face you. "Donnie, I don't want my son growing up thinking I come from a broken background."

"You always used to complain to me that your parents never had any time for you. They were always in their lab, or working late. In my eyes, that has broken background written all over it." He argues.

"They had their good bits too! At least they didn't abuse me like R/W's parents did to her!" Donnie is taken aback, he didn't know about R/W's history with her parents. "They deserve to know about Jordan, Donnie."

"Yeah, and what are you going to tell them after you've been missing for the past 2 years?"

"The truth."

"What, that you got married to some mutant reptile freak and had a kid with him? The second they take a look at Jordan they'll freak out."

"They won't. They're Scientists that specialise in genetics; they know all about this stuff."

Donnie exhales. "I swear, the moment either one of them tries to poke a needle into mine or Jordan's arm, I will be getting my Bo Staff out."

You smile. "I knew you'd say yes!" You run outside of the lab to call your family.

Finally, your parents can meet Donnie and Jordan. Everything is starting to come together.

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