Talking about the baby - Donatello

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Donnie's in his lab, while you rest on his bed. Since falling pregnant, you've found you're a lot more tired than you usually are.

"Do you think she'll be really smart?" You ask.

"She?" Donnie replies.

"I mean our baby."

Donnie turns around and lifts his goggles onto the top of his head. "How can you be so sure it'll be a girl?"

"I'm not. I just like to remain optimistic." You reply, sitting up.

Donnie rolls his eyes and then goes back to work. "I don't know." He finally says, answering your question. "I guess it depends on how we raise him or her."

"It'll be a girl, Donnie." You add sheepishly. Donnie doesn't reply. You just lie back down and stare at your stomach. "Will it be a human or a turtle, do you think?"

"There's a chance it could be both." Donnie replies.

"You mean, like you?" You ask.

"No. I'm a mutant. I mean, like a human with a turtle shell."

"That'd make for interesting family photos." You add. "What are we going to call it?"

"I've always liked the name Donatello Junior." Donnie replies, turning around.

"I'm not naming our baby after you." You reply sassily.

Donnie sticks his tongue out. "Okay then, what would you call it?"

"I don't know!" You reply. "But it won't be Donatello Junior!"

Donnie just rolls his eyes and goes back to work. "Whatever we call it," he says. "It'll be a beautiful name."

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