Meeting the family - Michaelangelo

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You're wrapped in your warm bath robe, cuddling with your newborn son. Mikey walks in and sees you two together. He sits next to you and looks at his little son.

"Hey little dude." He says, smiling.

Splinter stands outside the bathroom and leans against the doorframe. Mikey is the first to notice him. "Do you want to see him?" He asks.

"If I may?" He says. He comes closer and leans in to see his newest grandchild. "He is beautiful."

"He's not beautiful!" Mikey says. "He's handsome, like his dad."

You just roll your eyes. "What is his name?" Splinter asks.

"Matthew Michaelangelo Hamato." You reply. "Matt for short." Splinter smiles.

"A handsome name for a handsome boy."

You and Mikey smile at each other.

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