An unexpected wedding gift

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April's POV:
My visions all fuzzy. All the sounds in the background are just a slurred mess. I don't know where I am...

"April?" I hear Casey's voice. "April, can you hear me?"

"Casey?" I manage to croak.

Slowly, things start to become more clear. My vision gets better and the sounds become less muffled. Eventually I find that I'm being wheeled through a hospital by several doctors, Casey by my side. I'm still in my wedding dress, the lower half now soaked in blood. I'm suddenly confused, and very scared. Did I lose the baby?

"Casey?" I croak again. He looks down and sees me starting at the bloody mess all over my gown. "What's going on?"

He holds my hand. "It'll all be over soon, babe." Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen, just like at the wedding. I scream in pain.

"It's another contraction!" One of the doctors says. "We need to get her into the operating room, NOW!" This only panics me further. What's going on? Where did all the blood come from?

Finally they make it into the operating theatre, and I hear one of the doctors tell Casey to stay outside. I reach a defenceless hand out towards the door, making no difference to Casey standing outside, worried. I find a mask being placed over my head, suddenly inhaling a type of gas that calms the pain. "Push, Mrs Jones, push!" One of the nurses says encouragingly. Hearing someone call me Mrs Jones for the first time really helped. I suddenly feel something being ejected from me, and as all the hustle of the operating theatre calms, I can hear a tiny crying noise.

Casey's POV:
It happened so fast...
One moment we're standing at the altar, about to seal our marriage with a kiss, when suddenly she starts going into labor. Next thing I know she starts bleeding, and we had to call 911. Now she's in that theatre, with those doctors who... God knows what they're gonna do to her!
Be strong April, my beautiful fighter...

I watch defenceless as I see a mask being put over April's face, and her body being crowded by a bunch of doctors. I can't hear anything clearly, but I can see the doctors moving away from her now, April only accompanied by a single nurse who wipes her forehead with a damp cloth. All the doctors are obsessing over something away from the bed. One of them emerges with something wrapped in a clean towel. One of the nurses motions for me to come in.

I carefully and quietly walk into the theatre, to see April holding the bundle of towels. "Congratulations Mister and Missus Jones," one of the nurses says. "It's a boy."

Now, I'm not one to cry. Especially not when children are born, but I can't help but tear up when I look down at my newborn son. He has dark hair, and beautiful blue eyes - just like his mom. He's the perfect mixture of April and I.

"What are we going to name him?" I ask, choked up.

"Blake." April replies. "Blake Kirby Jones." I smile at her.

"Sounds perfect."

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