When the kids get their weapons

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This will just be a really short chapter guys, sorry! More coming soon x

Just like her dad, Lily's weapons are twin Katana blades, as well as a dagger hidden on her utility belt if she needs it. She works well with her weapons, as she has fantastic hand-eye co-ordination.

Skye's weapon is two battle axes, both of which she keeps tucked into her utility belt. These come in handy as they have a boomerang like quality, meaning they come back to her if she throws them.

Taya's weapons are a bow and arrows, complete with tranquillisers and poison darts - which she will hopefully never have to use. She has found that she has really good aim, and hardly ever missed the target.

Unsurprisingly, Jordan's weapon is a Bo Staff. Following in his father's footsteps, Jordan has the coordination and the swiftness needed in order to properly use the staff to its full advantage - despite the off chance when it snaps in half. Also like Donnie, he keeps his Staff on his back.

Matt's weapons of choice is a range of items, from smoke-bombs to ninja stars. But his main weapon is a ball and mace - two to be precise. Similar to Mikey, he uses his weapon like nunchucks, swinging then around violently until someone gets hurt.

Chapters on the first training session coming soon!

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