The kidnapping

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Karai's POV:

I lead my foot clan down the sewers and towards the turtle's lair. The atmosphere carries a certain smoggy buzz, only spurring me on further. Hearing the silent march of the soldiers gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling. I'm leading my own battalion into victory.

We come to a crossing, where there are three pipes leading different directions. I start to hear faint voices coming towards us. I signal to the foot clan to halt. When the voices start growing louder, I signal for them to hide.

A group of four women exit from the middle pipe, seeming oblivious to us hiding in the shadows. "Did you see Leo's face when Mikey threw that water bomb?" One of them giggles. "He didn't see it coming!"

"What about when Raph got so fired up he nearly kicked a hole in the wall?" Another one laughs. "I love him to bits but he needs to control his temper."

"I know what you mean." Another one adds. "I love Donnie, but he really needs to get out more. He's always so cooped away in his lab."

It suddenly hits me who these women are. They're the turtle's wives! Ugh, that sentence makes me feel so 1726.

When I know they are gone, we emerge from our hiding places. I signal towards the middle pipe and we continue our journey on. Eventually we come to wooden door, with dim lights pouring from its nooks and crannies. There's a small hole in the door, which I use to send one of my soldiers to look through.

"It looks deserted." He says. I'm about to signal for us to turn back when we hear voices coming from inside.

"Donnie, you're the genius here, you fix it."

"I'm a scientist, not a builder!"

I take this as the moment to strike. The foot clan burst through the door, catching the reptiles by surprise. There is a long struggle, and I stand back waiting for the rat to enter. I am not disappointed. He rushes into the lair, wielding a large sword. "My sons! What is going on?" I knock him with a blade of my own.

"They are coming with us, vermin." I say.

He gets up and looks at my face. He no longer looks determined and scared, just shocked. "Miwa?" He says.

"That is not my name!" I reply, knocking him again. This time he blocks me move.

"Miwa listen to me!" He begs. "This is not you!"

"MY NAME IS KARAI!" I shout, delivering a devastating blow, knocking him to the ground. "Compliments from Oroku Saki." I drop him the note, and turn to my soldiers. The turtles are showing quite the struggle, and to end the fight I throw a bomb that knocks people unconscious. The soldiers and I wear special masks to stop us from inhaling the fumes. The turtles are soon sedated, and we drag them out of the lair and into the world above.

Father will be pleased.

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