Baby Born #2 - Michaelangelo

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Everything is blurry. You can't hear anything but white noise. For a short while you feel like you died and went to heaven... Before your senses kick in and the world around you sharpens.

You're being carted around a hospital in nothing but a gown and a few blankets.

Suddenly, everything comes flooding back...

You're in the living room with Mikey and Matt. You've nearly reached the end of your third trimester, meaning the baby is due soon.

The three of you are watching TV, when you start to feel a sharp pain in your abdomen. You grunt and place your hand on it gently.

"You alright, mom?" Matt asks.

Before you can answer, your vision starts to go blurry as you feel yourself starting to drift out of consciousness. As you're slowly drifting out, you feel a liquid gushing between your legs. Eventually you black out completely, seeing nothing but darkness and hearing nothing but blank noise.
Flashback over.

Looking around, you notice that Mikey isn't with you; neither is Matt. This sends you into a panic as you try to speak, but nothing comes out but oxygen.

"It's alright, Mrs Hamato," one of the nurses says reassuringly. "You're going to be fine."

"Where's... My husband... And... Son?" Is all you manage to croak out.

"They're in the waiting room. I'm sorry, but we couldn't clear them into the theatre." She replies calmly.

Before you can answer, you're rushed through the doors of an emergency ward. It's now that you notice the lower half of your gown is soaked in blood and water. This does nothing but panic you more.

Suddenly you find the hem your gown being lifted to your waist, as a strong, sharp pain shoots through your abdomen. You let out a scream in agony.

"Push, Mrs Hamato, push!" One of the doctors says encouragingly.

You do as your told, until you feel something being ejected from your lower region. "Congratulations," the nurse says, holding a bundle of sheets. "It's a girl."

Your eyes fill with happy tears as you hold your new born daughter in your arms for the first time. You feel someone rushing to your side. "I have a baby brother!" Matt cries excitedly.

"She's a girl, Matty." You say calmly.

"Oh." He replies. "I have a baby sister!"

Mikey looks over your shoulder at his newborn daughter. "She's beautiful." He says.

She opens her eyes for the first time, revealing a beautiful baby blue colour, just like Matt and Mikey.

"What are we going to call her?" You wonder out loud.

"Fiona," Mikey suggests. "Because she'll be a warrior princess."

"Fiona Stella Hamato." You finish. "It's perfect."

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