When the past comes back to haunt them - Part 1 (Leonardo and Raphael)

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I'm out on Patrol, and there has been some pretty heavy villain activity all over the city. We all decided to split up, and if we needed any help we'd call the girls in for back up. Being married to a chick with some mad skills in ninjutsu does have its advantages.

I stealthily race across rooftops, heading towards the coordinates on my tracker. Donnie invented four of them, one for each of us. They track the whereabouts of certain villains. In my case, I'm after the Foot Clan.

Finally, I reach their location. Silently, I peer over the edge of the roof, spying on the foot clans activities. They seem to be unloading a truck, or robbing it. I grit my teeth through sheer disgust at their actions. The wind blows into my face, making my bandana tails flap in the wind. I grab them and tuck them down so as to not be spotted.

Suddenly, a female figure emerges from the shadows behind the truck. All I can see is a pair of gold eyes, before the figure enters the moonlight. My heart starts pounding, and my teeth grind tightly.


"Footbots," She orders. "Take the weapons to Shredder." The robots make a shrill robot sound, and nod their heads before marching off in the same direction. "And make it snappy. He's not a patient man."

Taking the opportunity, I bound from the rooftop onto the ground below, reaching for one of my Katana as I do. I land with a thud, and Karai turns around, grabbing her own Katana. When she realises its me, her shoulders soften and a smirk crosses her face. "Leonardo." She says, chuckling ever so slightly. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

I narrow my eyes. "Don't play games with me, Karai." I hiss. "You know exactly what I'm here for. Those weapons are not getting anywhere near Shredder."

"Too bad." She says. Next thing I know, she runs towards me and takes a swing at my head. "This ends now, Leonardo!"

I block an attack with my Katana. "I don't want to hurt you, Karai. There is another way to go about this!"

She grunts as I throw her off me. "Yeah, by smashing your skull in and sending your remains inside your shell to Splinter." She lunges for me again, but I fend off her attack.

"Violence..." I grunt, struggling against her strength. "Isn't always... the answer..." Suddenly, she head-butts me, and I'm knocked backwards on my shell. My whole world is disoriented, as I see multiple Karai's standing over me, spinning about.

She chuckles. "You're getting soft." I shake my head, trying to regain my sense of balance. "Maybe it's that girl you got yourself hitched with." Hearing her talk about Y/n in such a disrespectful way makes my blood begin to boil. She offers me an unexpected hand up, which I take. "If you had married me, life would have been so much different."

"W-what?" I say, still a little disoriented.

Next thing I know, Karai's lips are firmly pressed against mine and moving. Her arms are strongly wrapped around my neck, and somehow mine are firmly around her waist. I can't stop myself, every moment longer the kiss lasts, the more I want to break away and run. I can't control what's happening! I can't stop!

The brisk air blows across my face, making my bandana tails flap in the wind. I feel like such a free spirit, making my way around New York all on my own. No Leo to tell me what to do, no Mikey to deal with, and no Donnie to prove me wrong. It's just me, myself and I.

There's been a lot of villain activity all over the city, and to make things easier to deal with, Leo decided to split us all up. If any of us have any problems - which I doubt I will - we call in the girls for back-up.

I follow my tracker on my utility belt, leading me on the scent of the Kraang. Donnie invented four of these little things, each to track a certain villains whereabouts. As I scurry along the streets and rooftops of New York, I can feel the adrenaline rushing through my blood. I've never felt more free in all my life. I always said when I was younger that I would go out on my own the first chance I got, but I never did because well... I met Y/n, and then the twins came along. Life just doesn't stop, and neither does crime. I'll be dealing with this city until the day I die.

Finally, I reach the destination according to my tracker - the docks. I hide behind a shipping container, eavesdropping on a conversation. It sounds like it's the Kraang.

"Kraang," I hear a very raspy and robotic voice say. "Take the prisoners to the place known as the place called Cony Island. Kraang will meet you at the place known as the place called Cony Island."

I emerge from my hiding place, and take out the first Kraang droid I see with my sai. The rest all turn towards me, and a devilish grin crosses my face as I twirl my sais in my hands. "Alright," I chuckle. "An all-you-can-beat-buffet!"

"It is one of the one's known as Turtles." One of the droids say. "Kraang, destroy the one of the one's known as Turtles."

The droids shoot at me with their plasma guns, but I dodge every shot and attack each droid until they're all completely dismantled. The brain aliens inside scurry away making high pitched squealing noises, disappearing under the dock and into the water.

I chuckle to myself as I admire my handy work. "And Splinter says my anger is self-destructive." Suddenly, I hear a mumbling sound from behind one of the shipping containers. With my sais at the ready, I gingerly look around the corner to see someone - or something - against one of the containers with their arms tied behind their back and a potato sack over their head. I remove the sack, and to my surprise...


"Mona Lisa?" I say, nearly falling back at the sight of my reptilian ex-lover. "What are you-- why are you on earth?"

"I was captured by the Kraang, and imprisoned for enslavement." She replies as I begin untying her hands. "They wanted to use me to improve their droid soldiers with my fighting techniques."

When her hands are finally unbound, I offer her a hand up. "Well, isn't it good I showed up, eh?" I reply, a little bit cocky. She giggles as her face comes closer to mine. I feel a blush come onto my cheeks as I suddenly start to feel awkward. "M-Mona... What are you doing?"

Her hands rest on my shoulders as she brings me closer. "It has been a long time, Raphael." Her face is dangerously close to mine now. "Let us pick up where we left off." Her lips brush against mine, and I try to struggle out of her grip.

"Times... have changed." I say. She jerks her head back. "I've changed... Mona, I'm not the same guy you once knew. I'm married now... I have two teenage kids. I can't betray my wife like this--"

I'm suddenly cut off by her smashing her lips onto mine, except this time, I can't move. I want to, but I'm completely paralyzed. I can't do anything. I'm completely unable to move, and every second longer Mona's lizard lips rest on mine, the more I feel suffocated...

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