Replying to hater comment and Thank you <3

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Hey guys

So this isn't a normal chapter but I felt like I needed to do this to publicly thank everyone.

So, yesterday I uploaded a chapter titled 'Question of the day #1' and the first comment I received was surprisingly nothing to do with the actual chapter. In fact, it just happened to be a hate comment.

Now, I'm not going to say this persons name because that's just not the sort of person I am, but this girl knows who she is.

Anyway, the comment was a massive long paragraph that was basically criticising me for adding in two new villains and that apparently I didn't have enough original villain characters to use my own. She ended this comment by calling me a stupid bitch.

So I just wanted to give a massive thank you to all the beautiful people who stood up for me and supported me and protected me through that entire ordeal. You guys are the best followers in the entire world and you made my day by doing that for me. So thank you, so very, very, very incredibly much.

As for the hater herself (she knows who she is) I did see the comment saying that I'm a coward for not responding to your disgusting message. So, here's your response. I do hope you enjoy.

Hello Hater,
First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to comment one massive long paragraph of a comment on my story. It must have taken you ages to write something so long.

Second of all, judging by your evidence in your comment you must have read a good amount of my books to know I haven't used very many villains other than Shredder and Karai. So, thank you so much for reading my book because it means so much to me.

Thirdly, I find it hilarious reading the things that you posted on my story because it tells me that you are an extremely insecure, self conscious person who has nothing better to do with their time than hide behind a phone or computer screen saying nasty things that makes themselves feel better.

I'm all for constructive feedback, but if you dislike my books that much, then please message me on how I can improve them. Better yet, if you have any chapter ideas I would love to hear them.

In short, thank you for taking the time to comment on my chapter, as you have aroused a lot of ideas for me.

Yours sincerely,

Perri (Turtleluvah) xx

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