When the kids sneak out - Donatello

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Jordan's POV:
"Remember," Akiko says, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "Ninth street, you can't miss it."

I nod as tingles are sent down my spine. She smiles and skips away.

My heart is racing as I take a deep breath. Since that date at the movies, Akiko and I barely stray from each other's company. She's just so... so... ugh! Words can't describe her! She's amazing in every single way. I love her hair, her beautiful eyes, her smile, the way she says hi to me every morning...

Getting carried away into the moment, I'm interrupted by someone calling my name. I snap out of my daydream to see Matt calling out to me from the gate. "Jordan! You coming, bro?"

"Yeah! One sec..." I grab my backpack and join Matt at the gate, along with Skye, Lily and Taya.

"Everything alright, dude?" Matt asks, noticing how I keep zoning out.

"Yeah, yeah." I respond, shaking the fog out of my head. "Everything's fine."

Matt stops me. "Jordan," he says. "I may not be a smart kid, but I can definitely tell when you're lying."

I roll my eyes and face him straight on, his arms folded across his chest. "There's nothing going on!" I respond innocently.

"Nothing to do with that girl? What was her name again...?" He says, pondering out loud.

"Akiko!" Lily adds, suddenly tuning into the conversation.

"Shut up!" I hiss at her.

"Oh, so there IS something going on..." Lily giggles, noticing my sudden mood swing. "Come on then, tell us."

I hold my hands above my head innocently. "You guys! There's nothing going on between Akiko and I!"

"Suuuuuuuuure!" Lily teases. "Jordan, I've seen the way you look at her. You L-O-V-E her!"

"I do not!" I reply.

"Jordan and Akiko sitting in a tree..." Matt sing-shouts. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"Stop it!" I say, clamming a hand over Matt's mouth.

"First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby-" Lily adds before I clam her mouth shut with my other hand.

Skye pops her head around the corner. "You guys coming or what?"

I take my hand off of both their mouths and hurry faster towards the twins. I can hear Lily and Matt giggling behind me.

"He so loves her." Lily whispers.


Akiko told me to meet her at the 'spot' - as she calls it - at around about 11:30 tonight. I've never been one to disobey my parents or sneak out at ridiculous hours, but this is different.

It's now around about 11:15, and I'm pretty sure everyone in the lair is sound asleep. I silently slip out of bed, grab my black hoodie and jeans, a flashlight, my phone and silently head out the door.

I've mapped out the majority of the sewer system of New York, and there's a tunnel that leads exactly to ninth street. If I just follow a straight path, I'll be there in no less that ten minutes. Let's just hope Akiko likes the smell of sewrage.

After walking around for what feels like an hour, I finally find the exit to the world above. Just as I'm about to climb the first rung of the ladder, I hear something move behind me.

Turning on my flashlight, I spin around, trying to act brave. "Who's there?" I say, sounding very cowardly. My hands shake as I feel a jumpscare about to happen. Suddenly, a small rat crawls out from behind a corner, making me jump slightly. I wipe the sweat off my brow. "Been living here for thirteen years and I'm terrified of a rat." I mumble to myself.

I climb the ladder rungs until I reach the world above, where I find myself looking at a familiar pair of jet black converse shoes and jeans. "What took you so long, Shelly?" Akiko jokes as she gives me a hand up.

"Got scared by a rat and- Shelly?" I ask.

"Trying out a new nickname for you." She replies. "And, you got scared by a rat?" I roll my eyes as I brush off the dirt from my jeans. "You've got to be the only guy I know terrified of a rat." She jokes as we walk down the street.

"You're the only girl I know who carries a swiss army knife in her sock." I sass back.

"Touché my friend." Akiko replies. "Touché."

We wander around the streets for a bit, until we come to an abandoned park. Akiko rushes over to the rusty slide. As I watch her running, I hear another noise behind me. This time, I spin around in time to catch a glimpse of a metal looking figure dart behind a bush.

Suddenly knowing what it is, I walk towards the bush with a smug look on my face. "Metalhead, I know it's you." I say. A little, rust-covered, metal robot suddenly emerges from behind the bush. "What are you doing out here?"

"Who are you talking to?" Akiko asks as she goes down the slide one last time, letting out a high pitched squee as she does. Before I can warn Metalhead, Akiko joins me by the bush.

"Aw, a cute little robot!" She says. Metalhead darts behind a bush as Akiko leans in to get a closer look. "Are you lost little robot?"

"He's not lost." I say bluntly. "He's my dads."

Akiko looks at me puzzled. "Your dads?"

I sigh as I coax Metalhead out from his hiding place. "Come on, it's alright. She's not going to hurt you." Akiko watches intriuigingly as Metalhead stands in the moonlight, whatever parts of his surface area that isn't rusted glinting in the light. "Akiko, meet Metalhead. Metalhead, meet Akiko."

"Metalhead, huh?" Akiko echoes. "Why's he called that?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I say, tapping lightly on his head. Akiko giggles. I turn back to Metalhead. "Go home, Metalhead. You shouldn't be out here this late." Metalhead shakes his head as he takes one step back. "Get out of here!" I repeat. This time he just stands still. "Go away! Shoo! Leave us alone!" Eventually I just end up trying to shove him away, which isn't very easy because of his weight. "Go... Home!"

Akiko rolls her eyes as she bends down. "Metalhead," she says sweetly. His head snaps in her direction. "Would you mind going back home, please? For me?"

Metalhead suddenly makes a shrill noise before disappearing down the street. "How did you do that?" I ask, astonished.

"Robots are people too, you know." She replies. "All you need to do is be polite."

I giggle as her arms are suddenly wrapped around my neck. "Akiko?"

She shushes me. "Now, where were we?" Her face comes closer to mine and I can feel her cold breath on my face. "I remember."

She suddenly smashes her lips onto mine, making every hair on my mostly human body stand on end. The familiarity of her lips makes my body tingle as I remember the last time something like this happened.

Just when I think things can't get any better...

"Jordan Donovan Hamato what do you think you are doing?!" Akiko and I break the kiss instantly as I find my dad standing directly in front of us.

"D-dad..." I stutter, utterly terrified.

"Do you know what time it is? What are you doing out here on your own?!"

"W-well..." I stutter again.

He glares at Akiko. "And WHO are you?"

Akiko starts to tremble. "U-um..."


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