Meeting your parents - Raphael

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You cling onto Taya and Skye's hands tighter, the closer you get to their door. This was it. After all the abuse you suffered, all the fights, the antagonisation you went through.. after two entire years of not even speaking to them after you vanished leaving nothing but a note, you were finally back.

With every step closer you take, memories begin flooding back. Memories from your childhood, memories from before you left... good memories, bad memories... it was all coming in such an avalanche.

Raph refused to come, believing he was protesting against the idea. It didn't stop you, clearly, as you firmly believe your parents have the right to meet their granddaughters. So, as terrified as you were, went along with the twins anyway.

Finally you're one step away from the door. You outstretch a hand and knock three times. Almost immediately a familiar face answers it. "Daddy?" You say.

"Y/n!" He says, pulling you into a tight hug. Suddenly he lets go and holds you firmly by the shoulders. "What are you doing here? Where have you been? Have you had any idea how worried your mother and I have been?"

You hold up a hand to silence him. "Before you say anything, I want you to meet someone ...well, two someones."

He looks intrigued, as you reveal the twins from behind you. "Dad, meet your granddaughters Taya Leigh Hamato and Skye Isabelle Hamato."

They huddle your legs tightly, slightly scared. Your dad crouches down. "Hello," he says. Suddenly he has a revelation, standing back up. "Wait, wait, wait!" He says. "Did you say granddaughters?" You nod. "I hope that you adopted!" He says seriously. Before you can answer, he grabs you by the hand and drags you all inside, calling out for your mother. "We have a visitor!" He says.

Your mother comes out, hair in curlers, and when she sees you her eyes fill with happy tears. "Is that you, Y/n?" She asks.

"It's me." You reply, giving her a tight hug.

"It's so good to see you!" She says. Then just like her father has a change of heart and looks at you seriously. "What were you thinking, running off like that?"

"M-mom," you begin. "Before you say anything, I'd like you to meet two people." The twins emerge from behind you. "Mom, meet Skye Isabelle and Taya Leigh, my daughters."

"Daughters?" She echoes. "Who's the father?"

"That's not important." You interrupt. "I thought you should meet them."

"They're beautiful, Y/n." She says. "Where does the red hair come from?"

"Their father, I assume." You reply.

"Who is their father?" Your dad interrupts.

"I heard someone call my name." You turn around to see Raph standing on the balcony. Your parents jump in fright.

"What the--" Your dad says, before you slam your hand over his mouth.

"Dad, children present!" You hiss. You let Raph in, where Taya and Skye run excitedly to join him.

"Daddy!" They say in unison, hugging his legs.

You look at both your parents who are white as ghosts. "I can explain..." You say.

"This... thing is their father?!" Your dad asks in disbelief.

"This thing has a name, buddy." Raph replies rudely.

"Mom, Dad," You say getting between the three adults. "I would like you to meet Raphael, my husband."

"Husband?!" Your mom echoes, nearly passing out.

"You married this freak?" Your dad hisses.

"This freak," you begin, linking arms with Raphael. "Is my only reason for not killing myself when I was living in this house of hell!"

"Watch your tongue, young lady!" Your dad snaps, pointing a finger at you.

"Oh please," You say, brushing it away. "Like that even worked when I lived here with you."

"You watch what you say, Y/n!" He threatens again. By now you're too heated and angry to calm yourself down.

"Raph, take the girls outside. I don't want them to hear this." You say, not letting your eyesight waver from your Dad. Your mom is now sitting in the corner, somewhere between confused and terrified. Raph ushers the girls outside.

"I can't believe this is what you have been doing in the past two years!" Your dad scolds.

"Well, get over it. I'm not changing anything about it." You snap back.

"You just vanished into thin air! Nothing but a note on your bed to tell us what happened!"

"You want to know why I left?" You say. "I was sick of everything. I was sick of you and mom fighting, I was sick of us fighting, and I was sick of neither one of you treating me with the respect I deserve!" Your dad's face starts to burn red. "And I was especcially sick of all the crap I had to put up with! When I'm with Raph, I feel safe, appreciated. That's the one thing I never felt when I was here."

"Watch what you say!" Your father interrupts.

"I'm done taking orders from you. I'm not your little servant who will do whatever you want! I can make my own decisions and live my own life!"

"Y/n... I'm warning you!"

"And you know what? The past two years have been the best two years of my life! I don't have the sounds of you and mom fighting ratting into my ear every night, and I feel safe and happy! One thing I never felt living with you!" You suddenly feel a sharp pain on your left cheek as a big hand strikes your face. You hold your cheek as tears well in your eyes. "Fine." You say. "I'm leaving." You walk outside, still clutching your cheek as you hear your dads heavy breathing behind you.

When you walk outside, Raph instantly notices you're in pain. He runs to your aid. He gently lifts your hand to see a massive red mark and a swollen left eye. "I will mess him up!" He growls.

"Leave it, Raph." You say, grabbing his arm. "They haven't changed. We don't need to be here."

As you start walking back you replay the events that just happened in your head: The fight, the slap, your parents distate towards Raph, everything.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Raph asks.

"I'll be fine. I've had worse injuries from him."

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