#Jessdan date (Part 1)

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Jordan's POV:
My heart is a flutter as I float down the hall towards my next class - chemistry. It's one of the classes that I have with Jess.

Things have been going great with her recently. We get along so well, it's like I've known her forever. We share the same hobbies, the same interests and we have a couple of classes together.

Everyone is standing outside of the newly reconstructed science labs. As I enter the building, a gold plaque on the wall catches my eye. Because I can't resist shiny things - I am aware how much I sound like Matt - I wander over to take a look.

'The Hamada and Iken Science Centre'
Built in loving memory of Professor Emelius Iken and young student Tadashi Hamada.

As I read over Tadashi's and Professor Iken's names, a cold shiver runs down my spine. I can never shake that haunting memory out of my head; of the explosion that claimed two innocent lives.

I suddenly jump as someone places a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see a familiar face with lilac hair and pale blue eyes.

"You okay, study buddy?" Jess asks, chuckling.

"Yeah, yeah." I reply, trying to catch my breath. "I was just reading over this..."

She stands beside me and has a quick scope over it, before a sad sigh when she's finished. "I wonder what happened to them?"

I swallow a dry lump in my throat. "They were killed in an explosion that destroyed the original building."

She looks at me with eyes full of sadness and shock. "Really? What happened?" I avoid eye contact, trying to ignore the haunting images flashing through my mind of that tragic afternoon. Jess clamps a hand over her mouth. "Did you know them?"

I nod sadly. "Tadashi and I were in Science Club together, and Professor Iken was our teacher." She looks at me appologetically. "One day we were coming out of Science Club when the building was suddenly alight. Professor Iken was still inside, and Tadashi ran back in to get him out. That's when the building exploded." My head hangs low, partly in sorrow, partly in mourn.

Suddenly I feel two arms wrap around me, as I look up to see Jess holding me in a warm embrace. A little bit stunned by the given situation, I go to hug her back.

I could have melted when she wrapped her arms around me. She was so warm, so soft.

When she lets me go, she holds me gently by the shoulders; and for a brief moment I have to resist the urge to lean in and kiss her right here and now.

She tucks a strand of lilac hair behind her ear, as she giggles quietly and looks down. The urge eventually gets to strong, and I gently lift her chin with my finger, preparing to go in for the kill.

She looks up at me and smiles once she realises what's happening. Every centimetre closer we get, the faster my heart races. By the time I close my eyes and I can feel her cool breath on my face, I feel like I'm about to start hyperventilating. Just when our lips are about to touch...

"Jordan! Jessica!"

We both jump and our heads snap to the front to see Miss Ness standing a few feet away. She has her arms folded across her chest and a sour look on her face.

"Kindly explain to me what you two are doing out here when class started 5 minutes ago?" She growls.

Jess tucks another stray hair behind her ear and opens her mouth to say something.

"I was explaining the plaque to her." I say, taking a step forward and pointing to the gold plaque on the wall.

"Is that so?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. Jess nods.

There's an awkward silence for a few seconds, and for a moment I think Miss Ness is going to send us to the principals office.

Instead, she ushers us into the classroom. "I do not appreciate tardiness, Mister Hamato." She growls.


During class, Jess flicks me a note. I discreetly open it, to find a small abbreviation: PTO.

I look at her confused, and she mouths: "Please turn over." Making hand gestures as she does.

I turn over the note, to reveal a flyer for the local carnival. It's in town this weekend, not too far away from the city. Still confused, I look up at her and flip the flyer over. She rolls her eyes, and scribbles down another note, before passing it to me.

I was hoping you would want to go to it with me?

My heart suddenly misses a beat, but not in the usual bad news way. I feel every nerve in my body go numb, and my heart skyrockets out of my chest; I almost feel like I can fly.

Jess - the beautiful, smart, funny, shy, adorkable Jess - is asking me on a date? A real date? As in holding hands and PDA's date? As in the sort of thing that usually leads into a relationship?

This day cannot possibly get any better!

At lighting speed, I write down my reply: Sure!

As I pass the note back, I feel like I'm having trouble keeping my feet on the ground. I can't get my head around the idea that this beautiful girl - who by the way is totally out of my league - wants to go on a date with me!

Pinch me... I'm dreaming!

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