Meeting your parents - Leonardo

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You wander slowly towards their door, holding Lily's hand tightly. Leo silently followed behind. Finally you reach their apartment number. You take a deep breath and knock three times. There's a few muffled sounds before it opens to reveal your mother. "Y/n?" She says in disbelief.

"Hi mom." you say, tears in your eyes. You hadn't seen her for 2 whole years, and she hasn't aged a day. Seeing her face again reminds her of how much you missed her. "I'm home."

She pulls you into a tight hug. "It's been ages!" She says, wiping away a tear. "Come in, come in!" She says, ushering you in. You stop her.

"Before I come in, I need to introduce you to some people." You say nervously.

She looks confused and yet very interested. You look at Lily and motion for her to come to your side. She does as she's told, and you pick her up and gently rest her on your hip. "Who's this?" She asks in disbelief.

"Mom, I'd like you to meet Lily Genevieve Hamato daughter." You brace yourself for her reaction.

Her eyes widen. "D-daughter?" She stutters. "Who, may I ask, is her father?"

Leo opens the door wider so he's revealed. "That would be me." He says. Suddenly your mom turns pale. "My name is Leonardo Hamato. Nice to meet you Mrs L/n."

She starts trembling. You hand Lily to Leo. "Mom, I know he looks a bit different..."

"H-he's a turtle..."

"He might look a bit different, but he's my husband."

"H-husband?" She echoes. Her hands are shaking frightfully.

"Mom, do you want to sit down?" She nods as she leads you inside, Leo and Lily close behind. "Where's dad?"

"Out with some friends." She replies, sitting down on the couch.

Leo sits close to you and holds your hand as he gently rests Lily on his lap. "When will he be home?"

"Why did you run away?" She cuts you off.

"I-I..." You're unable to speak.

"We forbade you from ever leaving this building, and one morning we wake up to see a note on your bed and a smashed window! Do you have any idea how worried we have been?"


"No calls, no texts, not even a letter to say that you're alright! We were worried sick! We thought you were dead!"


"...We thought we raised you better than this, Y/n! Never in my life have I ever felt so disappointed!"

"MOM!" You interrupt. "I moved in with Leo because I love him, and I never felt appreciated here. You and Dad were never home, and when you were we never spent any time together! So I decided I'd be better off going somewhere I'm wanted."

She stands up in anger. "We have always done what's best for you." She says. "And how do you repay us? By running away to go and live with this... This... Reptile?!"

"No offence taken..." Leo mutters sarcastically.

"Can you focus on the point? Please?" You interrupt. "We came here to introduce you to your granddaughter. Now, do you want her in your life or not?"

She sits down and looks at Lily. "She has his eyes." She says, looking at Leo.

"A lot of people have said that." You add.

"She's beautiful." You look at her intently, signalling you want her to answer your question. She looks at Leo. "I'm sorry, Y/n." She says. Your eyes fill with worry. She looks at Leo. "This is too big for me to handle right now..."

You nod. "Come on, Leo." You say, standing. "Grab Lily and let's go."

Your mom gives you a sad look as you walk outside. It really broke your heart that she didn't want Lily to be in her life. She's her one and only granddaughter, and she's intimidated by your husband. Your strong, caring, wonderful husband.

I guess some things in life just aren't meant to be...

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