New girl

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Matt's POV:
I'm walking down to the skate bowl with my buddies. We haven't hung out together in so long!

I'm still grounded for sneaking out the other night, and as punishment mom and dad have lowered my curfew from 7:00 till 5:30. Totally unfair, right?

As we approach the skate bowl, something catches my eye. A crowd of people surrounding the half-pipe. Intrigued and curious, we all head over to see what's going on.

I'm caught unawares by a whisp of blonde, curly hair. I'm completely knocked back to see a girl with long, curly blonde hair. Her skin is a light tan colour, and her eyes are a sparkly brown colour. She wears a black helmet along with a pair of denim shorts, sheer black stockings, a black crop top with a daisy in the centre, black high tops and a set of leather fingerless gloves.

If her appearance wasn't enough, her moves are incredible! Some of the stuff she's doing is more advanced than what I can do - and that says something.

After a few minutes of gawking, she jumps off her board in the centre of the half-pipe. "That's all folks!" She says in her Californian accent, grabbing her board as it rolls back towards her.

The crowd applauds and slowly disperses. I'm left totally in awe.

One of my friends, Lewis, hits me in the arm. "Having a good time there, chief?" He mocks.

"Who is she...?" Is all I manage to squeak out. I watch her as she takes off her helmet and shakes her head so her hair becomes more voluminous.

"Dawn Mitchell," he replies. "She just moved here from California. Word is, back in CA she was a pro champion skater and she once beat a whole team full of boys in one heat."

I whistle deeply. "Now THAT is skill."

"She moved here because her mom got a transfer working as a real estate agent, she lives in an apartment on ninth street with her mom and baby brother and she has over 900 Facebook friends."

I give him a look. "Stalker much?"

"What? I looked her up!"

I roll my eyes and focus my attention back on Dawn. She's taking her pads off now, and putting them into her backpack. She then zips it up and puts on a black beanie over her curly hair.

"Talk to her, dude." Lewis says encouragingly.

"I can't just talk to her!" I reply. "She's what, a 10? And I'm a..."

"3." Lewis finishes.

"Thanks for the confidence boost, bro." I say sheepishly.

"Just talk to her already, will you?" He shoves me in her general direction.

Lewis pushes me so hard I nearly knock into her. Instead, my shoes make an ear splitting sound - like nails down a blackboard. She turns around. At least it got her attention.

"Can I help you?" She asks.

I stand up and dust myself off. "Uh..." I squeak. "I'm... I'm Matt."

"Hi..." Dawn says nervously and confused.

"W-what's your name?" I reply twice as nervously.

"Dawn..." She says.

I'm about to speak to her again, but all that comes out of my mouth is an airflow of oxygen, ending our short conversation.

"Um," she says. "I've gotta go... But I'll see you around?"

"Yeah for sure!" I reply as she races off towards the city.

Lewis pats me on the back. "Good job, Romeo."

"Do you think she noticed me?"

Lewis giggles. "I'd be lying if I said no." My heart fills with joy. "I mean the way you skidded and nearly collided was epic!" His statement is ended by a loud laugh.

I roll my eyes and grab my board. I've had enough embarrassment for one day.

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