Turtle Notes #7

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Hi darlings!

So, I'm dying to know... What did you think of the two major plot twists??? Who saw it coming that Akiko was related to Shredder? Whoever guessed that she was his granddaughter was 100% correct! And she has a twin brother - Blade. Do you think they're going to turn out good or bad?

APRIL AND CASEY ARE GETTING MARRIED!!! About time, am I right? Comment if you're excited for the Capril Wedding and if you think it'll last (I really don't want a repeat of what happened with Donnie...)!

Here's a challenge:
Akiko and Blade - who would you ship with who, and what would the hashtags be? Comment your thoughts!

New chapters coming soon!

Peace out Girl Scout ✌️

- Perri xoxo

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