He's always watching... Part 3

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Shredder's POV:
I hear a knock at the door. "Enter." I say. A woman dressed head to toe in black accompanied by two children walks towards me. "Karai," I say.

"Master Shredder," She replies. "I have returned from my patrol."

"What did you uncover?"

"Not a lot. There was no activity we should be concerned over."

I growl quietly. "If you have nothing to report, then leave." She bows and then walks towards the door.

How am I to complete my plan if my own daughter can't even bring me any decent information? Sometimes I wonder if I didn't train her hard enough... She is a brilliant girl, but perhaps she just isn't good enough anymore? I need to look to new students to train... like her children.

Akiko and Blade.

Karai's POV:
I swear I wasn't seeing things. I am sure that I saw him - Leo. He was out with his brothers and that foul Casey Jones ...and six little children?

I know that I've been gone for a while, but times really have changed. Perhaps Leo has moved on ...for good. It's more than likely one of those children were his.

It amazes me how quickly things can change. I've only been gone a few years... but I suppose a lot can happen. When I left, Leo told me he never wanted to see me again. I wonder if I did see him again, he'd be happy to see me?

Suddenly an idea pops into my head. Akiko and Blade are sitting on the floor; Blade playing a video game and Akiko drawing some pictures with crayons. I slowly get up and sit next to her. "Akiko sweetheart," I say. "That boy you mentioned, Jordan, does he have any cousins or brothers or sisters?"

She sits up. "Why do you want to know?"

"I'm just curious." I reply innocently.

"He hasn't got any brothers, but he does have five cousins."

"What are their names?" I grab a sheet of paper and a crayon.

"Lily, Matt, Skye and Taya."

"Okay," I reply, jotting the names down. "Thanks darling." I lightly kiss her head.

Tucking the little note under my arm, I pace around the room. I need to figure out which child belongs to Leo. If I can crack that, then I can help Shredder complete his plan.

I'm still angry at Leo, but at the same time I don't want to hurt him. After the way he treated me, I don't know whether I want revenge or peace.

There's only one way to find out.

Spy on Leo as much as possible.

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