Turtle Notes #8

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Hi Turtleluvers <3

First things first, I'm the realist (Bad joke, sorry I couldn't resist!). I feel like I'm doing my Turtle Notes too often. Am I doing them too often? I mean, I understand what people mean when they say they hate Author's Notes - I would too, I don't blame you - and I don't want to bore you guys with constant Turtle Notes, so... PLEASE if I am writting these too often and I am boring you, TELL ME! The last thing I want is to annoy you guys :)

In other news, I'VE HIT OVER 7K READS AND OVER 400 VOTES! I can't even begin to express to you guys how much this means to me. After the success of the first book, I was absolutely TERRIFIED that no one would like this one. Sometimes sequels aren't anywhere near as good as the first installments, but in this case, they're both a success! So, thank you all so very much for reading my book, I love you all so much words can't even express it!

Who here is curious to find out about what happened between Leo and Karai? As far as we know, after whatever happened Karai escaped to Japan. And what is Shredder planning? What does he need Akiko and Blade for so badly?
More information in chapters coming soon, so stay tuned!

Here's a challenge:
April is pregnant (that's not the challenge). So, just like with the Hamato kids, I want you guys to name their child! Comment your suggestions below, one for a girl and one for a boy, and I will pick my favourite girls name and my favourite boys name and I will let you guys choose which gender you want baby Capril to be!

Peace out Girl Scout ✌️

- Perri xoxo

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