I need your advice...

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Hey guys
So, this isn't a normal chapter but I've been meaning to ask you something. Well, two things actually. I'm always asking you guys to ask me questions and people are always asking me for advice, but today I need YOUR advice. So, here goes...

1. I don't want to sound like I'm dissing this fandom or anything, but have any of you guys told anyone about your love for TMNT? Like, I'm really scared to tell people because I'm worried that they'll judge me or think that I'm weird, so I usually keep it to myself. But I'm just wondering if anyone else does the same thing, or if everyone just tells everyone like its a normal thing, like: "Hey, my name is Perri and I write TMNT Fan fiction on Wattpad!"?

2. This is a bit more of a sad question, but I'm curious to know what you guys, as my readers, would think. Because we are all human beings, we're obviously not going to last forever. So, eventually the turtles are going to grow old and die, as will Splinter, April and Casey and all the villains. That includes us, the readers as the turtle's love interest. I know this is really depressing to think about, but would it be really upsetting if at one point there's a final chapter for the reader's point of view where you die and it goes on for the kids perspective? It's probably not for a long time yet because we're all still young!
I just read over that and God it's depressing!

Love you guys so much!

- Perri xoxo

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