Talking about your parents - Raphael

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"Ready or not, here I come!" You say, stalking around every corner looking for Raph and the twins. You suddenly hear giggling coming from the bedroom, and open the door slightly. You see a really conspicuous lump under the covers, so you sneak towards it and slam your hands on it. "Gotcha!" You say. You feel something hard and tough beneath the sheets. You pull them off to reveal Raph cradling your two daughters, a big smile pasted across his face. It was adorable when he showed his softer side.

"You found us!" Raph says. Taya and Skye rush out to the lounge room laughing and giggling, where they run into Splinter. You and Raph watch from the doorway as they sit and play with their new dolls they got for their birthday, while Splinter watches. Seeing them interact with Splinter makes you think.

"Raph, we need to introduce them to my parents." You say. Immediately the smile disappears from Raph's face as he walks towards the dojo.

"I hope you're joking." He says.

"They're their grandparents, Raph!" You argue. "They don't even know they exist!"

"A few more years without them knowing will be fine then." He replies, punching the dummy.

"They need to meet them, Raph." You argue back. "Sooner or later they're going to want to know who my parents are."

"Tell them they died then." He says bluntly.

"I can't lie to my own kids!" You hiss.

"Why not?" He argues back. "They believe that Santa Clause is real, and that's a lie."

"That's different." You reply. "These are their grandparents!"

Raph grunts. "I hate to burst your bubble, but didn't you move out willingly? What are they going to think when you show up with two kids on your hips after 2 years of being gone?!"

"They'll be pleased to know I'm still alive." You reply bluntly.

Raph chuckles. "Excuse me, but are we still talking about the same parents? The ones who abused you? The ones who didn't care about you? The ones you were constantly having fights with?"

You exhale. "Raphael," you say. "We are going to introduce them, whether you like it or not."

Raph rolls his eyes. "Well I sure ain't going with you."

You return the eye roll and send your mother a quick text:

Hey mom,

It's Y/n. I know it's been ages since I last saw you or even spoke to you, but I wanted to know if I could pay a visit tomorrow sometime? I have a lot to share with you.

- Y/n

You quickly press send, before walking out to the lounge room. "Your daughters are meeting their grandparents, whether you like it or not."

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