Thoughts Afterwards

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I'm sorry... This is too big for me to handle right now... Her echoeing words still haunt my mind. I can't imagine how Y/n is feeling right now. It's heartbreaking for anyone to not be accepted, but to hear your own parents simply decline wanting to know their own granddaughter is on a whole other level. Lily won't remember this when she's older, thankfully. But still, I can't help but wonder... why?

The nerve of some people! I can't believe how long she had to put up with that sort of thing. I mean, I knew she was strong, but to put up with it for so many years... I'm just glad he didn't try to lay a hand on Taya or Skye. If he had, heaven forbid, I would have broken his skull, and every other limb for that matter. At least we know for sure now that we're never going back there. Ever.

They tried to cut some of my skin off! I'm a self respecting scientist, but even for me that was way too far. If Jordan hadn't started screaming, I'd probably have lost a limb! Okay, maybe that's a bit melodramatic, but you get my point. Y/n has made it clear now that we're never visiting them again. The only grandparent that Jordan is aware of from here on out, is Splinter.

Y/n came home crying. I've never seen her so upset in all my life. I always feel so down whenever I see someone I love in pain, and this was no exception. I mean, I'm not the smartest of turtles, but I know it's unfair to not want to have your only grandchild in your life all because of one minor detail. I guess some people are just scared, but still... It's no way to treat your daughter.

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