Talking about your parents - Michaelangelo

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Matt and Mikey are sitting in the living room playing together, you're sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Why does grandad look like that?" Matt asks.

"Because grandad is a rat." Mikey replies.

Splinter, who is standing in the corner, shoots Mikey an icy glare. Even though Mikey was just being blunt, Splinter didn't like being labelled a rat. You just giggle.

"Why is he a rat?" Matt asks.

"Because thats who he is." Mikey replies. Matt yawns and stretches. "Time for your nap, little dude." Mikey says, carrying him out to his cot.

When he returns, you're standing up, thinking. "You okay there?" He asks.

"Are we ever going to tell him?" You blurt out.

"Tell who what?" Mikey asks.

"Are we ever going to introduce Matt to my parents?"

Mikey thinks. "Y/n... I'm not so sure that's a good idea..."

"He needs to meet them. I feel like he's missing out on something big."

"What he doesn't know, won't hurt him." Mikey replies.

You roll your eyes. "I'm serious, Mikey. They're my parents."

"What will they think when they see me?" He says.

"Don't come then!" You snap. "I'll just bring Matt."

"Have fun telling them where you've been the past 2 years!" He snaps back.

You just roll your eyes. "Look, they're my parents, it's my call. I say we introduce them."


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