Date night - Raphael

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Raph walks in holding a stack of DVD's. You're sitting on the bed, reading an old magazine while the twins sit on the floor, reading their own kids magazines. He carefully places the stack on the bedside table. "What's all this?" You ask.

He sits next to you. "It's been a while since you and I went on a date together..." He begins.

"Uh-oh, love talk!" Skye says, looking at Taya worryingly.

"Let's get out of here!" Taya adds as the two race out of the bedroom.

You giggle as you hear them screaming down the hall. "You were saying?"

"It's been a while since you and I went on a date together," Raph says again. "And I miss the good old days."

"Your point being...?" You ask, confused.

"I thought we could spend the night on the roof of your old apartment. Just like old times." You glance at the DVD's, quickly scanning over them.

"They're all horror films." You say. He gently places an arm around you.

"Just imagine: you, me, a sky full of stars, a stack of haunting thrillers..."

"Raph, you can't see the stars in New York." You reply bluntly. "Too much light pollution."

Raph rolls his eyes. "My point is, we'll spend the night together on the roof. We'll watch horror movies all night, and if you get scared you can just cuddle into me." You notice the smirk on his face.

"Sounds fun!" You reply. A smile spreads across Raph's face.

"Fantastic!" He says, walking towards the door. "Wear a sweater, it's cold tonight!"

You smile as he leaves the room, taking the DVD's with him. You get changed into an oversized maroon sweater, black skinny jeans and black converse. Your hair is loosely wavy, and minimal make-up. You join Raph in the living room who had packed everything into a bag. "Ready?" You ask.

"Born ready." He replies.


An icy winter frost blows as you and Raph set up on your old apartment rooftop. Raph pulls out the portable DVD player and sets up. He gets the stack of DVD's and scatters them out in a small assortment next to you. "Which one first?" He asks.

You scan over them. Child's play, Child's play 2, Scream, Scary Movie, The Conjuring, Annabelle, Paranormal Activity 3, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Nosferatu, The Ring... Finally you find one you haven't seen before: Children of the Corn. "I've never seen this one." You say, picking it up.

"You sure you want to watch THIS one?" Raph asks cautiously. "It's pretty scary!"

"You told me if I get scared I could cuddle into you." You reply smugly, raising an eyebrow. A smirk spreads across Raph's face as he holds one hand up in defeat.

"Hey, if the lady wants Children of the corn, that's what she's gonna get!" You giggle as he gently puts the DVD in the player. You two sit back and relax, watching movies until the early hours of the morning.

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