Talking about the baby - Leonardo

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You're in Leo's room, starring at your reflection in the mirror, while Leo's on his bed. You're looking at your stomach, and how everyday it gets bigger and bigger. It makes you feel a bit self conscious. You turn to the side to see yourself from a different angle.

"Y/n, listen to me." Leo says, clearly fed up with your attitude towards your ever growing stomach. "You're not fat!"

"I feel like I am." You reply. You face him straight on. "Look at me, Leo!" He scans you up and down.

"I am." He replies. "And regardless of whether your stomach is swollen or not, you're still my beautiful wife."

You tip your head to the side, and then go back to looking at yourself in the mirror. "There's a creature growing inside my stomach!" You say.

"That creature is our baby." Leo adds. You walk over and sit on his bed.

"What if it looks really weird when it's born? I mean, I'm no scientist but I don't think humans and turtles interbreed."

"It won't look weird." Leo say reassuringly. "It'll be perfect."

"But what if it's some sort of turtle-human hybrid?"

Leo gives you a sheepish look. "I'm a turtle-human hybrid! I'm a mutant! And I turned out fine!"

You just roll your eyes. "What if it comes out with a human body and a turtle head? Or a turtle body and a human head? What if it has no head at all?!"

"Calm down!" Leo says, placing both hands on your shoulders.

"I'm scared, Leo."

"I know, baby. I know." He pulls you close and starts stroking your hair. "Everything is going to be fine, I promise."

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