Matt vs Tadashi

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Matt's POV:
I can't stop thinking about that dude, Tadashi. My mouth froths when I think of how he was interacting with Dawn. Dude's trying to steal my woman!

Ever since that afternoon, I have been devising ways to steer Dawn away from Tadashi, or at the very least to get her attention. So far, I haven't done very well. All my attempts have either freaked her out, or made Tadashi get closer to her.

There's only one person who knows Dawn better than Tadashi - Skye.

Nervously, I knock on Skye's bedroom door. I hear grunting coming from inside the room, and something being knocked about. Fearing for her safety, I bust the door open in a fighting stance. I'm surprised to see her just punching a dummy she stole from the dojo.

"Hey Skye..." I say nervously.

She gives the dummy one last punch before turning to me. "Hey Matt." She says. "What's up?"

I shuffle my feet. "Y-you're friends with Dawn, right?"

"Yeah..." She says, curious. "Why?"

"So you know her better than anybody else?"

She looks taken aback by my question. "I guess so...?"

"Great!" I say, grabbing her arm and sitting her down on the bed next to me. "Teach me everything you know about Dawn."


"Please, Skye!" I plead. "You're my only hope!"

"Hope for what?"

"To get Dawn to like me!" I blurt out. I cover my mouth the moment the words are said, but Skye just crosses her arms across her chest and gives me a sheepish look.

"So that's it, huh?" She asks. Still covering my mouth, I nod. She sighs loudly and rolls her eyes. "Matt," she says sensitively. "If there is one thing I know about Dawn, it's that if she is going to like you, she's going to like you for you. Not some fake trying to impress her."

"But that's the thing!" I say, finally breaking my vow of silence. "She doesn't like me. She likes Tadashi!"

"Tadashi who?" She asks, puzzled.

"Tadashi Hamada." Ugh, that name leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

"Oh the tall guy with the dark hair? Really into science? Has a younger brother called Hiro?"

"Probably." I reply through grit teeth. "So, I need to get her away from Tadashi and for her to like me!"

Skye stands up. "Look," she says. "She's not a skateboard you can control," now she's speaking my language! "She'll like whoever she wants to like. You can't force her to like you!" My heart sinks. "If she likes Tadashi, then she likes Tadashi. Get over it." Then she storms out of her room, leaving me confused and quite frankly a little bit scared.

The next day at School, I'm prepared to make my move on Dawn. As we waltz through the school gates, she skateboards past me, her curly blonde hair flickering in the wind. I watch as she eventually stops, slams her foot on the back of the skateboard, picks it up and walks the main building. I turn to my cousins. "I'll catch you dudes later." I say, following Dawn.

"Go get her, Romeo!" Jordan jokes.

I race into the building, desperate to get to her before Tadashi does. It's times like these I wish I could just skate through school.

Finally I find her. She's at her locker, exchanging books. I take a deep breath, and walk up to her as calmly and normally as I possibly can. I've rehearsed what I'm going to say in my head, now I just need the confidence to say it out loud.

However, my expectations are short lived when I see a certain tall, dark-haired guy also approaching her locker; closer to her than I am. I stop, and hide behind another locker, trying to eavesdrop.

"Hey Dawn," Tadashi says, coolly.

Dawn closes her locker. "Hey Tadashi!" She replies. "What's up?"

"I was just wondering if you were doing anything after Science club this afternoon?"

I'm fuming. He's totally asking her out! He's totally stealing my future girlfriend!

Dawn thinks for a moment. "Nothing that I know of, why?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to the burger bar with me?"

At this point, I am so close to going totally ninja on his ass, but for the sake of my image in front of Dawn, I need to keep calm.

"Yeah, I don't think I'm busy. Sure, I'll come!" She says.

"Great!" Tadashi replies. There's suddenly a loud ringing echoing through the halls. The bell. Tadashi looks at his watch. "I've gotta get to Physics now, but I'll see you at Science Club!"

"Yeah, yeah, for sure!" She says, closing her locker.

As I sink further into the corner, I feel two things: one being my heart torn in two and an aggravating fire inside me, spurring me on to win Dawn over.


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