NYE - Raphael

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Raph was a bit uneasy of standing in the streets on New Years Eve. He was worried that he'd be spotted or exposed unexpectedly. Instead, he said that you could stand on the roof of one of the buildings in Time Square; there'd be a better view anyway.

The twins dangled their legs over the edge of the building, watching all the people below. "Hey look, there's Uncle Leo and Aunt L/W!" Skye points below.

"And there's Lily!" Taya adds. They both wave, even though they wouldn't be seen.

Raph wraps an arm around your waist. "Have a good year?" He whispers in your ear, his husky voice making you melt.

You turn to face him. "As always." You lean in and gently peck him on the lips.

"Eurgh! Save it for midnight, please!" Skye scoffs, covering her eyes. You giggle as Raph smirks.

The clock approaches 30 seconds. "Care to share your resolutions?" You ask the twins.

"Try not to fight with Taya." Skye says.

"Try not to fight with Skye." Taya adds. "Oh, and give up Pizza."

"You won't last a day without Pizza, T." Skye scoffs.

"I will!" Taya snaps back.

"Stop fighting you two!" Raph says, wagging his finger between the two of them.

"What about you Raph?" You ask. "Got any resolutions."

"Stop kissing mom in front of us?" Taya jokes.

Raph rolls his eyes. "I guess... To stay in shape and keep everyone safe." He looks at you.

"To stay being a good mom." She replies.

The clock approaches 10 seconds.

Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six...

Raph inches closer to you, while the twins aren't looking.

Five... Four... Three... Two... One...

Raph brushes his lips on yours, while you wrap your arms around his neck.


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