Date night - Michaelangelo

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The delicious, mouth watering scent of fresh, hot pizza wafts into your nostrils. Mikey starts floating towards the source. "We're here!" He says. You follow him into a pizzeria restaurant, one you've never noticed before. It wasn't very busy, but the delicious smell of fresh Pizza couldn't keep either of you away.

Last week, Mikey sat you down and explained to you how he felt that you two weren't as close as you used to be (clearly an excuse to bring you here) and to compensate for it, the two of you would go on a date. Obviously, you said yes; I mean, a night with your hilarious husband sharing your favourite food? What else could you ask for?

Mikey sits you down at a table, as a waitress in a red and white checkerboard patterned apron wearing roller skates approaches your table. "What can I get you?" She asks cheerfully.

"Hey dudette," Mikey replies. "Can we get a large cheese pizza with two cola's, please?"

She jots the order down on her notepad. "No problem, guys." She closes her notepad. "Your food will be ready soon!"

She skates away behind the counter. You lean in and face Mikey. "How did you find this place? I've never seen it before."

"It's been here for years!" Mikey replies.


"No! Opened last week and I've been dying to come here."

You smile and roll your eyes. Mikey just smirks. Your food arrives several minutes later, by the same bubbly waitress. She gently places the pizza between you two and hands you both a glass of cola. "Enjoy, guys!" She says.

You smile at her, as Mikey takes the first slice. He takes a bite and you swear his pupils become dilated. "Wow..." He says. "That is the best Pizza I have ever tasted."

You grab a slice and take a bite too. Your mouth instantly becomes cheesesy, doughy, saucy, pizza-y heaven. Your mind is instantly blown. "Whoa..." You reply, equally as amazed.

Mikey smiles and looks at the half-eaten slice in his hand. "Where have you been all my life?" He says dramatically.

You give him a harsh look across the table. "Excuse me! I'm sitting right here!"

He looks at you, and smiles, showing his sarcasm. "I'm just joking, Y/n. Pizza could NEVER replace you."

You roll your eyes. "I hope not." You notice Mikey giving you a stunned, dopey-eyed look. "What?"

"Just admiring the view."

You blush hard and throw a piece of pepperoni at him.

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