First word - Michaelangelo

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You, Mikey and Matt are playing around in the sewer pipe. You placed Matt on top of a skateboard and gently pushed him along until he reaches Mikey. Every time you pushed him, he squealed in happiness. "Wee!!" He squeaked.

When he reached Mikey for the 20th time, he gently placed both hands on either side of his face. "Dada." He said. Mikey's face lights up like a Christmas tree.

"He just said his first word!" He said. "His first word was me! Me!"

"Good job, Matt!" You say, smiling at him. Matt just giggles and then babbles on like a little baby does.

"Good job, little dude." Mikey says, handing him to you. He wipes away a happy tear. "I'm so proud of that boy."

You just giggle and place Matt on the skateboard, ready to push him again.

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