Meet... Blade

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Because they were so popular last time, here's a chapter on Blade. It'll give you a small insight into the mysterious son of Karai. Enjoy!

Note: There's a bit more information for Blade than there was for the Hamato kids, just because I feel like Blade's a more complicated character, and he deserves some light shed on his mysterious personality.
AND also, I swear he did not look green on my computer. I have no idea what happened, but when I sent it to my phone to upload, his eyes were green instead of gold, and his skin had a greenish tinge too. So, I apologise for that, I hope you can forgive me, but imagine his eyes are gold and his skin more tanned than green :)

Name: Blade Hironori Oroku

Birthday: July 17th

Worst fear: As stupid as it sounds... I have a mortal fear of Spiders. When I was a kid I woke up with a big hairy one on my face, and I've hated them since.

Happiest memory: Akiko and I playing rough house as kids

Weakness: When I see my freinds or family being hurt or tortured. I can't stand seeing people I love getting injured.

Life quote: Veni. Vedi. Vici. - I came. I saw. I conquered.

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