He's always watching... Part 6

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Blade's POV:
"You live in a pretty shady neighbourhood..." Taya says, looking around cautiously. I roll my eyes and keep walking, Akiko by my side. She gives me a look that explains how annoyed she is with what she's doing. I'm hiding it well, but I'm kicking myself inside. Although we've both agreed to warn the kids to run the moment we get to the lair, I still feel like I'm betraying them.

"You get used to it." Akiko replies.

Lily's standing on the other side of me, looking just as nervous and Akiko and I are. I have a burning urge to grab and squeeze her hand, but I try to resist. Akiko notices me starring at her hand and hits my side. I turn and glare at her. "Are you sure our parents are okay with this, Lil?" Skye asks. "Because our dad will slaughter us if we went without permission."

Lily turns around. "Yeah, yeah. I texted my dad; he was all good with it." Skye nods, and I look at Lily who looks unsure. I have the oddest feeling her dad either said no, or he never responded. I hope for all our sakes he isn't harsh with punishments...

Leo's POV:
I pace the lair nervously. Lily and the others haven't returned home from school yet; and school finished over an hour ago. Y/n is on the couch sipping a cup of coffee, as she watches me walk up and down. "Leo, she'll be fine." She says reassuringly.

"What if she's lost? Or kidnapped?" I panic out loud. "I never should have let her walk home alone."

"She's not alone." Y/n interrupts. "She's with the others."

I stop pacing and look straight at her. "And where are they?" She looks a bit taken back by my tone.

"Calm down. She'll be alright."

I rub the top of my head just as Raph storms in. "Leo," he says in a huff. "Where are the kids?" I'm too panicked to respond. "You've got three seconds to tell me where they are." He says, holding up a clenched fist. R/W intervenes.

"Calm down, Raph." She says, lowering his hand. "They'll be fine." He growls before storming back into his room. R/W gives me an appologetic look before running after him. 

"Try checking your phone." Y/n suggests, holding up my T-Phone. I turn it on to see a text message from Lily:

Hey daddy,
Is it okay if me and the others go to Blade and Akiko Saki's house this afternoon?
- Lily xoxo

My heart stops beating as a drop my phone. Saki. There's only one person who has that surname.


"Leo?" Y/n asks concerned, seeing my phone fall to the ground.

"I know where they are." I say, racing to get Raph, Donnie and Mikey.

Akiko's POV:
As we approach the lair, I have the slightest feeling we're being watched. A knot grows in my stomach. I know that what we're doing is wrong. Every instinct inside me is begging me to turn around and tell the Hamato's to run in the opposite direction, but my brain tells me to keep going and only tell them to run at the last possible minute.

I look back at Jordan, his black hoodie covering his shell and his glasses resting on his nose. His shell fascinates me. I mean, I've seen some pretty extroadinary things in my life, but seeing a human with a shell beats them all. He's so smart too, but heaven forbid he agreed to come with me. Why? I know he's smarter than that to agree to come with me of all things, so why did he agree to it when he knew not to?

I can see the lair looming ahead now. With every step I take, I feel a chill race down my spine. I know Shredder is in there, and what he's planning on doing makes me shudder. I look at Blade for an encouraging smile, but he's just as nervous as I am. I've never seen him so pale.

When we're no closer than a few metres away from the entrance, Jordan stops in his tracks. I turn around. "I don't like this..." He says, starting to back up. I giggle and then grab his arm, pulling him forward.

"Come on, scardy cat. What are you afraid of?" He just shrugs and reluctantly follows me inside. When we're no further than a few feet into the lair, I lean towards Blade. "Okay, tell them to run in 3... 2... 1..." As I'm about to shout to everyone to get out of here, the doors slam shut behind us, making everyone jump.

"So nice of you to join us, children..." I hear a familiar rusty voice echo through the lair. Even though I know who it is, I'm shaking in my boots. Suddenly two figures emerge from the shaddows, one being my mom, the other Shredder. I turn around and see Taya and Skye huddled together, Lily's back against the wall, Matt and Jordan shaking like a pair of massage chairs.

Mom places both her hands on mine and Blade's shoulders. We give eachother a sad look, before giving everyone a sympathetic look. Jordan's face is somewhere between scared and shocked. Lily just looks terrified, and Blade looks like he's about to explode into a puddle of tears.

Shredder slowly walks across the kids, looking each and every one up and down. When he gets to Jordan, my heart skips a beat. He stops in front of him, and stares him straight in the face. "You." He says. Jordan is trembling. "Remove your jacket."

"What?" Jordan repeats, still shaking.

"I said remove your jacket, before I slash it to ribbon." He booms, pointing a sharp blade at his chin. I want to tell them to get out, but there's nowhere to escape. Why oh why did I ever agree to doing this?

Leo's POV:
We race across the rooftops, the girls trailing the streets below in April's car. I know exactly where the children are, and I swear the moment I get my hands on Shredder...

My thoughts are interrupted by Raph's heavy breathing. "I'll tear those Saki kids limb from limb!" He growls.

Usually I would tell him to calm down, but in this case, I have to agree with him. I'm so angry, there's no spark of sympathy in me.

Eventually we come to an old abandoned warehouse. "Is this it?" Mikey asks, scratching his head. "You'd think it would be better hidden for a lair..."

I'm about to reply, when I hear several shrieks coming from inside the warhouse. "That's the kids!" Donnie says. We run straight for the warehouse. As quietly as possible we leap to the roof, and peer down below. I can see the kids, as well as Shredder. He looks like he's threatening Jordan. "Keep your hands off my boy!" Donnie growls.

I look down to the street below, where the girls are. I hold up 3 fingers, signalling for them to wait 3 minutes. I smirk at Raph, who looks angrier than ever. "Want to put that temper to good use?" I smirk.

"What?" He says.

"Smash the windows." I reply. He suddenly understands what I'm asking him to do, as we jump down as quietly as possible. He throws a strong punch at one of the windows, and it shatters instantly. Raph growls as he jumps through the window and into the warehouse, closely followed by Mikey, Donnie and myself, as well as the girls - minus a heavily preganant April.

The first thing I see when I enter the building is a surprised Shredder, and five very relieved kids. Lily comes running to my side. "Daddy!" She says, hugging my waist. Eventually the other children follow.

"Turtles," Shredder booms. "How nice of you to drop in."

"This ends now, Shredder." I reply, getting into a fighting stance, Katana's at the ready. "Kids, get behind us."

"This is only just the begining, reptiles." Shredder replies, retreating into the shaddows, as dozens of footsoldiers emerge in his place.

We waste no time in clearing the room of foot soldiers. When we're through about 90% of the army, I'm hit in the leg from behind. It's a woman wearing all black. I can't tell who it is as of yet, but I don't waste any time in blocking her attacks.

Within a matter of minutes the entire warehouse is cleared of soldiers and it's just this mysterious woman and I. Suddenly bright lights burn my eyes, as I recognise who my attacker is.


She shields her eyes until they adjust. "Leo?"

Things just got interesting...

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