Meeting your parents - Donatello

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Donnie squeezes your hand tightly. You look at Jordan, who looks just as nervous as you and Donnie, despite the fact he doesn't know what's going on.

"You ready, princess?" Donnie asks.

"As I'll ever be." You reply. You take a deep breath and knock on the door.

Instantly an unfamiliar woman in a white lab coat answers the door. You're instantly confused. "Who are you?"

"I'm sorry, the Professors don't have time for any journalists at the moment. Come back later." She says rudely, and starts shutting the door. You put your foot between it and the doorway.

"I think there's been a misunderstanding. I'm not a journalist. I'm Y/n, their daughter."

The woman bursts out laughing. "Daughter? They don't have a daughter!"

Suddenly you hear footsteps from behind you. "Oh go clean out some flasks or something, Amanda." It's a woman's voice. The woman rolls her eyes and walks down the hall again.

She's replaced by a very familiar woman. "Oh my god! Y/n?!" She squeals.

"Hi mom." The woman hugs you tightly.

"It's actually you!" She whimpers. "Come in, come in!"

You stop her. "Um, before I do... I'd like to introduce you to someone." You gently pick up Jordan and rest him on your hip. "Mom, this is Jordan, my son."

"Son?!" She echoes. "Since when have you had a son?"

"It's a long story." You reply.

"But... Who's his father?"

You turn around and look at Donnie. "Mom, meet Donatello, my husband." Donnie steps forward and nervously smiles.

Your moms eyes widen. "Oh... My...."

"I know he looks a bit different, but trust me he's a really nice guy..."

"This is amazing! Come in!" She says, dragging all three of you inside.

Your dad is sitting on the couch, reading the paper. "Daddy?" You say. He instantly turns around.

"Y/n!" He says, dropping the paper and running to give you a hug. "Where have you been? What happened to you?"

"I'll explain all that later." You say. "I'd like you to meet two very special people. Donnie steps forward, holding Jordan."

"Hello Professor L/n. My name is Donatello, and this is our son, Jordan."

He instantly notices Jordan's shell and that Donnie's a turtle. "He has a shell..." He stutters.

"Donnie's a mutant turtle dad, and when Jordan was born, he had a few... Abnormalities..."

He's unable to speak. You sit Donnie and Jordan down at the table while you help your mom get some snacks. Your dad joins them. "So, Donatello," He says. "Where abouts do you live?"

"Ahaaaaa...." Donnie stutters. "Around..."

"I'm fascinated to know how you came about?"

"W-well... it's a funny story actually..." Donnie stutters again. He's clearly trying to avoid giving away information that could uncover his secrets in the sewers. "Enough about me, I want to know about you!"

"Well, I work as a genetic scientist." He replies confidently. "I work with animal genetics and mutations."

"Oh," Donnie replies.

Amanda, the trashy assistant, walks out with a tray of different tools. Your dad takes one of them which resembles a small razor blade. "In fact," he begins. "Would you mind if I extracted a bit of your skin?"

Jordan screams the moment the blade starts rotating. You rush to their aid. "Dad!" You shout. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"It's all in the name of research, darling. Everything is under control, don't worry!" He replies, inching the blade closer to Donnie's shoulder. Jordan screams louder, tears streaming down his face.

"Stop!" You scream, knocking the blade out of his hands. "They're not samples of cells you can experiment on! They're my husband and child!"

"Don't listen to her, Proffessor L/N. This could be a breakthrough!" Amanda says devishly and encouragingly.

You look at her. "Amanda, is it?" You ask. She nods. "Do me a favour and SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" She looks taken aback by the situation. "I don't know how long you've been here, or what your purpose here is, but please... just STAY OUT OF IT!" She takes a step back, before running off, her heels making an irratating clip-clop sound as she went. You face your father and your mother, who is now at your fathers side. "What were you thinking?"

"We're scientists! It's our way." Your mother replies.

"So is Donnie, but he doesn't threaten people with razor blades!" You look at Jordan's tear stained face. "They're my family."

"Well, so were we before you just up and left!" Your father protests.

"I had good reason for that!" You reply. You gently rest your head on your hand. "Look, I only came here to introduce you to Donnie and Jordan. All I wanted was to ask if you wanted them in your life, and judging by what I just saw, I don't think they deserve to be in your lives!"

"Y/n..." Your mother begins.

"No!" You protest. "I'm standing my ground. I will not put my family in this sort of danger." You turn to Donnie. "Let's go home."

"This IS your home!" Your father replies.

You turn around. "Home is where you feel safe. It's where you can be and not be afraid. A place of understanding. THIS is not home."

You grab Donnie, who is still holding Jordan and head toward the door. "You're making a huge mistake, Y/n!" Your father calls out.

"I corrected that two years ago."

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