Unleashing the force

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Shredder's POV:
As each day passes, I feel myself getting weaker and weaker. I am not imortal, nor am I impervious to a slitted throat. In saying that, I need a successor. Someone who can carry on leading the Foot Clan, and ensure the destruction on New York City and ultimately, Splinter and the Turtles.

Karai would be an obvious choice; but she is not as faithful as she used to be. After she ran away to Japan, she has seemed... Distracted.

Akiko and Blade however, have youth on their side. And with youth comes manipulation...

Akiko's POV:
Despite it being several weeks since Jordan and I broke up, I'm still reeling from the heartbreak.

I sit on my bed, sketching in my ever expanding drawing pad. Blade is on the floor, once again playing with his little gaming console.

I'm drawing an alternate version of myself. This character is a woman, and a fierce warrior. She wields a retractable titanium whip with a sharp dagger at the end. She wears traditional jet black ninjutsu clothing, and her black hair is tied up in a high ponytail. She's confident and intimidating and strikes fear into the hearts of her enemies.

This is the me I want to be. Not some cowardly little girl who is still getting over a break-up. This is the me I want to look like. The me I wish I was.

"Akiko! Blade!" I hear a loud booming voice. Blade looks up from his console and then straight at me. We both race out into the hallway and towards Shredder's dojo.

We stand in front of our terrifying grandfather who sits on his cold iron throne.

"Hai Master Shredder." Blade and I say in unison.

He takes a deep breath. "I am not as young as I used to be." Blade and I exchange confused glances. "As a leader of a powerful and fearsome army, I need a successor to take over for me when I am gone."

"But master," I say. "What does this have to do with us?"

"I want you two to become my successors."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Blade's face light up. I read his mind like an open book. Despite him hating the idea of intentional violence and destruction, he has always liked the idea of leading his own army.

"Th-thank you, Master Shredder!" Blade stutters excitedly.

Shredder holds up a hand. "However, as my successors you need to be ready to battle at will." We exchange glances. "And that will require proper training."

We both jump as we hear the doors behind us slam shut, and we turn around to see who's walked in on our conversation.

"Akiko, Blade," Shredder says. "I'd like you to meet your new Sensei."

As the figure steps out of the shadows, Blade and I take a step back. "Mom?" Blade says.

Before us both stood my very own mother, wielding one long katana blade and a... I can't believe it... A retractable titanium whip with a dagger at the tip?!

She hands the single katana to Blade - ironically - and hands me the whip. "From now on, I want you to refer to me as Sensei." She says.

I excitedly examine my whip, my hands shaking as I run them over the dagger at the end. I look over at Blade, who is admiring his reflection in the metal of his sword. Typical.

We both turn around to face Shredder. "Thank you, Master Shredder." We say.

Mom places both hands on mine and Blade's shoulders. "I hope you're ready for an intense experience." She says. "We will train everyday, and once you are ready, I will send you out on your first mission."

"Hai M--" Blade begins. "I... I mean Sensei."

She lets us go. "Off you go." She says. "But remember, if you break your new toys you won't get new ones."

Blade looks down at his sword, disappointed. "These are toys?" He whines.

I bump his shoulder. "She was being metaphorical, genius."

Blade's POV:
This new sword is amazing! It's so swift and light, yet so destructive. Katana blades are supposed to be made of the strongest metal and are able to cut through anything - even bone. I can cause some damage with this puppy!

Akiko is sitting on her bed, gently running her finger over the retractable titanium part of her whip. She's as fascinated with her weapon as much as I am with mine, but she refuses to test it out.

I, however, have tested mine out on several things. I've sliced a table clean in half, I dissected a pillow and I etched a perfect spelling of my name into my bed frame with no problems at all. It's fantastic!

I make cool sound effects as I wield my sword around like a samurai. Akiko looks up and cocks an eyebrow.

"You realise that you're spitting everywhere, right?" She says sheepishly.

I roll my eyes, and a poster on my wall catches my eye. It's a poster of Batman, one that I've had for years (don't judge me, he's freaking awesome!) and suddenly I get an idea.

"We need cool names." I say, putting my sword down.

Akiko looks up again. "We already have cool names," she points to herself. "Akiko," she points to me. "Blade."

I roll my eyes. "No, I mean superhero names."

"Don't you mean super villain?"

"Whatever!" I hiss. "My point is, we need names so no one will recognise us."

She straightens up, her full attention finally on me. "What do you have in mind?"

I look at my sword, and then out of the corner of my eye see Akiko's assignment on King Arthur and the Knights of the round table. I snap my fingers as an idea shoots to my head.

"Excalibur!" I exclaim.

"Gazuntite." Akiko replies.

I roll my eyes. "No, I meant as a name for me." She looks at me puzzled. "My name is Blade... I have a sword as a weapon..."

"I'm not following." She says.

I grunt. "Excalibur was supposed to be the strongest sword in the whole world, and because my name is BLADE and I have a SWORD..."

"Oh!" She exclaims. "I get it now."

I sigh loudly. "Finally!" Akiko goes back to fiddling with her whip. "So, what's your name going to be?"

She looks up as she runs her fingers along the blade at the tip of the whip. "I don't know... Maybe something like--" She suddenly lets out a piercing scream, as she holds her finger in agony. "Oh my god!" She shrieks. "Ow! Ow! Ow!"

I cover my ears. "God, Kiki you've for a scream like a Devil Banshee!" I'm suddenly struck with an idea. "That's it!"

"What's it?" She replies, still clutching her finger.

"Banshee!" I say excitedly. "Excalibur and Banshee!"

"Sounds delightful." Akiko replies sarcastically.

I roll my eyes, and place a hand on my sisters shoulder. "Can you not imagine it, Kiki?" I say. "Everyone will know the names Excalibur and Banshee, we will be feared throughout New York!"

Akiko lifts my arm off her shoulder. "Okay, firstly..." She says calmly. "STOP CALLING ME KIKI!"

I cover my ears. "See," I say. "Banshee is perfect for you." She groans and rolls her eyes, storming out of the room.

I sit down on my bed and ponder about everything that's happening. Sure, I'm excited about learning hand to hand combat, but I've learned that with every great decision comes it's fatalities.

It's not that I want to do Shredder's bidding, it's that I know that there'll be serious consequences if I don't follow through. My worst thought is that once Shredder is gone, Mom will start to follow in his footsteps and punish us drastically.

I know that patience will be tested, my own thresholds as well as relationships.

That suddenly brings me on to another problem.


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