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Hey guys! So this is the chapter where the winner of my competition is introduced. Enjoy!

Jordan's POV:
When did my life become a soap opera?

I'm just so sick of all the drama that's been happening recently. With Blade and Lily's break up, Matt's dramas with GoGo and Dawn, Skye's confusion with Callum, not to mention my own problems... It's just all getting too much.

I need a distraction. I need a happy place. Somewhere where I can get away and be myself with no worries at all. I need to be away from all the ugliness of high school, and all the extra baggage that comes with it.

Since the party, I've spent every waking minute avoiding Akiko and Blade. I'm pissed at Blade for what he did to Lily - accident or no accident, it was completely out of line - and I'm dreading running into Akiko. Awkwardness is my weakness, which is annoying considering I'm the most awkward person I know.

I'm at my locker, swapping over books. I have chemistry now, which I'm happy about because it's one of my best subjects. What I'm not happy about is that both Akiko and Blade are in it with me.

As I enter the classroom along with everyone else, I keep my head down. Akiko and Blade are a few feet away and I am not even risking making eye contact. How can I even look at them knowing what has happened with those two?

I take a seat at a bench towards the back on the left side of the room. I'm all alone, as our class is an uneven number, it's two to a bench and apparently no one wants to sit with me. But it's no big deal, I mean, I like being alone. That way I can't make an idiot of myself.

Our teacher, Miss Ness, walks to the blackboard and starts writing on it in squeaky white chalk, making my ears feel like they're bleeding. Eventually she faces the front.

"Today we will be working with acids and bases. You will record your findings in your notebooks." She says, fixing her goggles.

Suddenly, the door behind me opens and someone enters the room. The whole class, including me, turn around to see who it is.

I'm surprised to see a girl with lilac hair and pale blue eyes. She's wearing a white crop top with an infinity sign on it, a pair of high-waisted denim shorts, green vans, black slightly oversized glasses and a silver bracelet. She stumbles awkwardly into the room, and her books scatter all over the floor.

Immediately her cheeks flush bright pink, as she bends down to pick them up. As she gathers her belongings she sighs and cautiously stands up. "Sorry." She says quietly.

"You're late." Miss Ness growls. "What's your name?"

"Jessica..." She replies timidly.

Miss Ness plants both hands on her hips. "Well, Jessica, I don't tolerate tardiness. Sit with Jordan." She points to me.

I straighten up as Jessica wanders towards me, and takes a seat. She adjusts her glasses, and gets out her notebook.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch her. She tucks her hair behind her ear, and bites her lip as she writes stuff down. She's actually kind of cute.

What am I saying? I just got over a messy break up, I can't go through another relationship again! I can't do to this girl what I did to Akiko!

I take a deep breath. "You're new." I say awkwardly.

She turns her head and faces me. "Is it that obvious?" She replies.

I laugh quietly at her little joke. I can't ignore how cute she is. "What class have you got next?" I ask.

She checks her timetable. "Physics." She says, smiling. "Room B14."

"You're in my physics class!" I reply, trying not to sound too overexcited. She smiles back. "Do you have someone to show you around?"

She adjusts her glasses. "Well... No... B-but I'm slowly finding my way around."

"I can show you?" I offer. "Are you into science?"

Her eyes immediately light up. "Am I into it? It's my best subject!"

"Mine too!" I reply, getting carried away. I can already tell that she and I are going to get along well.

By the end of class, we have bonded over so much. I already feel like I've known her forever. We're so alike in so many ways it's crazy. I'm starting to feel like dating Akiko was a mistake, and that Jessica is my saviour.

"Favourite element?" She asks. We're doing quick fire questions to pass the time.

"Helium. Favourite scientist?" I reply.

"Stephen Hawking." She says.

"Nice!" I reply.

"Least favourite chemical combination?"

"Is there one?" I reply sarcastically.

Just as she's about to reply, the bell rings for lunchtime. She looks at her watch. "I've got to meet up with someone now, but I'll see you later?" She says, starting to walk away.

"Yeah, definitely!" I reply.

"Nice meeting you Jordan." She says before disappearing around the corner.

I lean up against the lockers and sigh to myself. Jessica... She's just so... So... So... Words can't even describe it.

She's the one.

I know it.

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