When the past comes back to haunt them - Donatello

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Not again!

I've been backed into a corner, April's body pressed against mine. I'm doing everything in my power to get her away from me, but nothing is working. I feel suffocated, like every second longer April's lips linger on mine the more oxygen I'm denied. This is freakishly similar to that time that she went completely nuts and tried to seduce me. She swore she would never do it again, on account of the fact that for one, Y/n is her cousin and the fact that it's completely wrong.

For a split moment, she breaks the kiss and whispers: "It's been a long time coming, Donatello."

I seize the opportunity, and break free of her grasp, knocking her to the ground. I turn my head for a brief second, to see her on her knees looking mentally hurt. "I'm sorry April!" I call, as I run faster and faster. I escape the warehouse completely, and run into the deserted streets and creepy alleyways of New York.

As I come to my first crossroad, I stop to take a breath, thinking I'm at least twelve miles from April. I rest my hands on my knees, and try to relax my breathing. I wipe some sweat off my brow with the back of my hand, asking myself what it was exactly that just happened. I look around to make sure that I'm completely alone.

I was wrong.

"Where are you going, Donnie?" April asks, suddenly appearing behind me, making me jump. I don't take a spare second to think, I just run. But every corner I pass, April's there. It's like she's haunting me with my past, even though I know 100% well that none of it was my fault. "Why don't you love me, Donnie?" She asks again.

"Get out of my head, April!" I shout, running faster and faster.

"Stay with me, Donnie. Make me feel loved." She taunts. Her voice echoes through my mind, bringing everything to a mental standstill. I fall to my knees, trying to remove the image of her face from my head. "You loved me once, you can love me again."

"That was the past!" I shout. "Things have changed!"

"All except your love for me." She replies. "I can see inside your head, Donatello." She suddenly appears as the whole of my surroundings goes black. She walks towards me, and lifts my chin with her finger. "I know what you've been thinking."

I move away from her, and close my eyes tightly. "No! No! Stop messing with me! This isn't real!"

April suddenly fades away as I feel someone shaking me awake. My eyes suddenly flick open to see Y/n standing beside me, gently shaking me. "Donnie, wake up."

I sit up straight, and immediately look around. I'm in my lab, and April is nowhere in sight. "What happened?" I ask.

"You were having a nightmare." Y/n replies. "You kept shouting in your sleep, so I came in to see what was wrong."

I recline back in my swivel chair, finally giving myself a chance to - properly - relax. "It felt so real..." I say quietly.

She kneels down beside me. "You want to talk about it?"

I shake my head. "It's nothing important." She raises an eyebrow.

"Donnie, in all the time I've known you, never have you ever been so frazzled while you're asleep." I smirk happily. Boy, does she know me well. "Are you sure there's nothing you want to tell me?"

I sigh. "Well, there was one thing that I think you should know." She nods, and I take a deep breath, bracing myself for the impact. "April was in it."

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