Matt vs. Tadashi - Part 2

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Matt's POV:
"Okay, young schientishts!" Professor Iken begins. "Letsh shtart thish sheshon off by dishcushing ecshploshions and imploshons. Who would like to shtart?"

Jordan's hand immediately shoots up. "An explosion is where the matter in question expands to the point of disaster; implosion is where the matter in question shrinks to the point of disaster."

A smile spreads across professor Iken's face. "Very good, Joshua, ish it?"

"Jordan." He corrects.

"My mind is nearly at the point of explosion..." I mutter to myself.

My train of thought is interrupted by a giggle coming from Dawn. I look out of the corner of my eye to see her giggling at something Tadashi is telling her.

Honestly, it makes me feel sick. If I have to listen to him trying to flirt with my future girl all session, I think I will set this school on fire with him inside it.

At the end of the session, I watch as Tadashi and Dawn head off together. I feel that weird sensation again, the conflict between a breaking heart and the determination for getting her back. Jordan waves a hand in front of my face. "Matt? You okay?"

I turn to him. "I think I'm going crazy!" I say, shaking his shoulders.

"Woah, calm down!" Jordan says, steadying me.

"Everywhere I turn, I see Tadashi with Dawn, and it's... It's..." I say, tugging at my beanie. I suddenly feel a sharp pain on my left cheek, and I snap out of my crazy rant to glare at Jordan. "Did you just slap me??"

"I was calming you down!" He replies innocently. "You're working yourself up over nothing."

I turn around to see Dawn and Tadashi turn a corner, and suddenly my instincts are telling me to follow them. Without even saying goodbye to Jordan, I slink after them, whipping out my phone as I do. "Skye? It's Matt. Can you meet me at the Burger Bar in ten minutes?"


Skye approaches my table, hands on her hips. "Okay, what's the big emergency?" She asks. I shush her and pull her into her seat. "Easy, tiger!" She hisses, making herself comfortable.

"Tadashi and Dawn are over there!" I whisper pointing to the other side of the partition next to us. There's little cut outs along the top, so I can occasionally look over and spy on them.

"You're spying on them?" Skye gasps. "Seriously??"

I take a quick peak over the partition to glance down at Dawn and Tadashi. My stomach starts to churn. They're sharing a glass of cola with two straws!

I sit back down and hold my gut steady. "Matt, you're going to give yourself anxiety if you keep working yourself up like this." Skye says, seeing my sudden discomfort.

"I don't know what anxiety is," I reply. "But I feel sick just watching those two."

Skye rolls her eyes just as a waitress walks towards our table. "What can I get you guys?" She asks politely. I quickly rummage through my wallet to see how much cash I have. Crap, I've only got three bucks and a quarter.

I smile at the waitress, trying to hide my worry. "Umm... Could I just get a mini veggie burger, please?" I ask.

"Sure." The woman replies. She turns to Skye. "And for the lady?"

"I'm okay for the time being, thanks." She replies. The woman smiles and walks off. Skye looks at me bluntly. "A mini veggie burger? Dude, there is something seriously messing with you right now."

"Ease up, dudette!" I reply. "It's all I can afford!"

Skye rolls her eyes as I try to sneak another peak at Tadashi and Dawn. This time I can listen in on their conversation. "Half the time I can't even understand what he's saying." Tadashi chuckles.

"Yeah, me neither." Dawn replies. "I can't figure out where his accent is from. I'm leaning more towards Scandinavia? I mean, it's definitely not Californian that's for sure."

"Your accent is nicer than his any day." Tadashi says.

I can feel my blood beginning to boil. I've never had such a strong distaste like this towards someone. I'm starting to wonder if I actually hate Tadashi. I shake the fog out of my head and keep eavesdropping.

"I'm so glad you agreed to meet up with me." Tadashi says. Ugh, gag. "I was so worried you'd say no."

Dawn giggles. "Now, why would I go and do that?"

My heart begins to tear into little shreds as Tadashi takes her by the hands. "I really like you, Dawn." He says sensitively. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Suddenly my legs turn to jelly as the striking words pierce my already torn heart. That was it. Tadashi had won. I collapse onto the chair, feeling numb and heartbroken. Skye looks at me with worried eyes. "Matt, what is it?" She asks.

"It's over..." I mumble. "He's won. Tadashi won Dawn." At that very moment, I see Tadashi and Dawn leave the Burger bar, and walk outside. There's a big glass window across the front of the restaurant, so I can easily see outside.

As if I didn't think my heart could be any more damaged, the unthinkable happens.

I watch in bitter agony as Tadashi leans in towards Dawn, and their lips connect. His hands are gripped onto her waist, and she has her arms wrapped around his shoulders. It's not just a little peck on the lips, it's a fully blown passionate kiss, with tongue and everything.

Skye looks at me as I feel the colour drain from my face. "Matt, are you okay?" She asks. I don't reply. I'm too in shock, too heartbroken. She turns around, and almost instantly faces me again, her worry now turned to sympathy. "Oh..." She says.

I stand up and make my way towards the door, passing the waitress about to serve me my mini veggie burger. As Skye passes her, she gives her a sad look as she follows me out onto the street and towards home.

I'm done.

Just done.

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