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Taya's POV:
I drag my feet behind me on my way to school. We've all been so worried for Splinter since what happened, and it feels like everyone's relationships with one another have broken down.

I heard mom and dad arguing again last night. This is their 3rd argument this week, and it's only over small things like who will take us to school - although it usually ends with us taking ourselves to school.

Skye gently bumps my shoulder. "Hey," she says. I smile for a moment before looking back at the ground. "Things will get better."

"Doesn't feel like it." I mumble.

"Mom and dad don't mean to fight, they're just stressed."

I stop and turn to her. "What if they get a divorce? What then?"


"No, seriously." I reply. "What if they split us apart? One of us goes with mom the other stays with dad?"

"Stop being melodramatic!" Skye says, holding me by the shoulders. "Nothing is going to happen!"

I roll my eyes and keep walking to school, a few steps ahead of Skye. In my head I know she's right, but in my heart I feel she's wrong.

As I approach the gate, I can see Logan leaning up against a wall, waiting for me. As I slowly get closer, I can feel my heart beat faster. Suddenly, I hear a loud shriek interrupt my daydream.

"Leave her alone, Logan!" I hear Skye exclaim, running between us. "If you dare touch her, I will punch your head in!"

Logan raises both hands in surrender. "Yes, ma'am."

I roll my eyes and grunt. "Skye, it's okay." I push past her and stand next to Logan. Skye's jaw drops open, as she babbles gibberish.

"W-what the shell...?" She finally manages to say.

"What the what?" Logan repeats.

"Uh... Nothing!" Skye replies, playing innocent. "But really," her finger flickers between us. "You? With him?"

"Skye!" I hiss through gritted teeth.

I don't want Skye to give away that I like Logan. She'll ruin everything!

Her eyes flicker between us for a few moments before she gets the message. "Oh!" She gasps. She grabs my arm. "Can I borrow her for just a sec...?"

She yanks me away from Logan and behind a corner. "What?" I ask innocently.

"Taya!" She hisses at me. "Are you out of your mind?!" I give her a sheepish look. "Do you not remember how horrible him and his friends were to you? How many times I had to save your butt?"

"He's different now." I reply.

"And you know that for a fact, do you?" She sasses back.

"Skye!" I say, stopping her. "Right now, he is the only think keeping me sane."

Skye sighs loudly. "So, are you two going out or...?"

"Skye...!" I grunt. "Relax, will ya? I can look after myself."

She sighs again. "Alright." Hesitantly she walks with me back over to Logan.

"Girl time over, already?" Logan jokes.

"Watch it, buddy." Skye replies sternly. I give her a filthy glare, and with my eyes motion for her to walk away. She smiles a fake smile and turns to me. "I'll see you in class."

When she's fully out of earshot Logan turns to me. "Is she always like that?"

I roll my eyes and giggle. "She's only trying to protect me."

"From me?" He replies. "Pssht, she's trippin'. I wouldn't hurt a fly." I giggle again. "By the way, you still haven't called me." He points to my phone in my pocket.

I hold my hand over it protectively. "So? Why is that such a big deal?"

He pauses for a moment and purses his lips together and bounces on his toes, hesitant to reply. Almost as if he was worried he'd say the wrong thing. "I was hoping to organise our first date."

My eyes widen and my heart stops beating. "F-first date?" I ask, a little bit scared.

He puts both hands in his pockets and bites his lip - my one weakness when it comes to a guy. "Taya, I like you. A lot." He says. "And, judging by the way you're acting today, I assume you like me too?"

I take a deep breath. Man, this guy is good! "W-would it be a bad thing if I said yes?"

His eyes suddenly light up like the city lights at Christmas. "No!" He then pulls me close, making me a jump a little. The only guy I've been this close to is my dad, but that's my dad. "So," I can feel his cold breath on my nose, making my feet go tingly. "When can I organise this date with my girlfriend?"

Girlfriend? I repeat in my head. "S-so are we... a thing, now?" I ask timidly.

"Does this answer your question?" Before I can respond, he smashes his lips onto mine. I tense up, not knowing what to do. Eventually I get used to the feel of him on my lips and just go along with it.

The kiss lasts roughly about 30 seconds (that's a fair while for a first kiss), before we break it and I open my eyes to see him smiling down at me.

My very first kiss...

Skye's POV:
I poke my head around the corner to see what Taya and Logan are up to. Call it what you will, spying, eavesdropping... I call it protecting my sister.

When I look the first time, they're just talking. When I look again...

"WHAT THE--?" I cover my mouth so I don't blow my cover. Did I really just see that?

I look again.

Nope. Not imagining. This is real!

My twin sister - my selfless, independent, slightly wimpy twin sister - is actually kissing Logan! Not like a little peck; like full on, lip movement and tongue!

Gross! I feel a knot grow in my stomach, but I can't help but keep watching!

When they finally break I feel a tightening in my chest. I can't believe what I just saw! And with Logan?

What is happening to the world?

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