Turtle Notes #21

336 15 5

Son you stupid!
No I'm not!
What's nine plus ten?

I'm sorry I had to 😂

Hello my beautiful readers!!!

Okay, can we all just take a minute please and as a group and a fandom just bawl over what just happened in the previous chapter???

I really didn't want to do that to GoGo but the storyline between her and Matt was getting a bit old anyway, and it was time to spice things up.

I kid you not, I nearly cried while writing that. All that time, Matt was after Dawn, when GoGo was the one he needed the entire time. And now she's moved to Canada and he's never going to see her again!


But maybe this means that Matt will finally get Dawn? But the question is, how will it go down now that Matt knows GoGo was the real one he wanted? Will his feelings towards her get in the way of his and Dawn's relationship?

New chapters on the way!

Please pass the tissues...

- Perri xoxo

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