First word - Donatello

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Donnie is in the kitchen, sipping a cup of coffee while you and Jordan are in the living room. Jordan's playing with some makeshift building blocks Donnie made him out of old scrap wood.

He stacks them on top of each other, as high as he can reach. You watch him carefully as he grunts, trying to build them up as high as he can. He gets about 5 or so blocks high before he can't reach any higher or knocks the tower over. He just laughs whenever the blocks fall over.

Eventually he gets bored and starts crawling towards you. "Mommommom..." He babbles. He starts giggling when he sees the look on your face. "Mama..." He says. You pick him up gently.

"Yes, mama." You reply. You stand up and gently rest him on your hip. "Jordan just said his first word!" You say, walking towards Donnie who is immersed in his newspaper.

"That's nice..." Donnie says, not paying attention.

"It was mama." You reply sheepishly.

"That's nice..." He says again.

"Donatello Hamato!" You say quite loudly. Donnie jumps and faces you. "Our son just said his first word!"

"Oh really?" He says excitedly. "What was it?"

"Mama." You reply. A huge smile spreads across Donnie's face. He leans in close to Jordan.

"Good job, Jordan." He says happily. He sits back and sighs. "They grow up so fast."

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