Teenage Dream

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Skye's POV:
Being a teenager sucks.

To make it even worse, I have no idea what's going on between Callum and I. I mean, he kisses me at Scarlett's party - despite everything else that happened that night - and next minute he's giving me the cold shoulder again.

What is his game anyway? I mean, he flirts with me for weeks on end, makes out with me at a party, and all of a sudden he's acting like none of it happened?

And they say girls are confusing...


"Skye! Stop it!" Taya hisses, slapping my hand as I go to reach for my phone.

I give her a sad look. "I need to know what's happening with us!" I reply, keeping my voice down.

I'm in Geography - yuck - and Mrs Elliot is twice as pissed off today. Looks like it's someone's time of the month...

As she wanders past mine and Taya's desk, she glares at me. I just glance back and try to look innocent, which results in a grunt from Mrs Elliot.

Callum has suddenly decided to sit at the front of the classroom now, unsurprisingly, as far away from me as possible.

Did I do something wrong?

I quickly glance up at the clock at the front of the room. Two minutes until lunch - yes!

As everyone prepares to organise their books and eagerly wait to head out to the cafeteria, Taya turns to me. "You can't just DM him a message asking why he's not talking to you."

"Why not? This is the age of technology!" I reply, going to grab my phone.

"You need to ask him in person!" She hisses quietly. "That way he can't run away."

I quickly glance back at him. He's sitting at his desk, organising his stuff. He ruffles his scruffy brown hair, and it gives me goosebumps. I've never had feelings like this for a boy before; or anyone else for that matter.

Suddenly the familiar sound of the lunch bell echoes through the halls, and everyone attempts to race out the door at once. Taya ushers me towards Callum. "Talk. To. Him." She hisses in my ear.

Next thing I know I'm standing right before him, nervous, unsure of what to say, and melting into a ginormous puddle.

Our eyes make contact. His eyes are the most beautifully striking shade of blue. He smirks a dorky side smile. "Hey Skye." He says. "Did you need something?"

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you." I reply, clutching my books close to my chest.

He suddenly tries to look behind me as if he's looking for someone. "Well, uh... Can it wait till after lunch?"

He goes to take a step forward, but I gently press my hand against his chest to stop him. "What's going on with us?" I blurt out.

"Us?" He echoes. "What us?"

My heart starts to sink. "Us. You and I." He looks at me blankly.

"I don't follow." He replies.

I roll my eyes to conceal my disappointment. "At Scarlett's party..."

"About that..." He says, cutting me off. "I was really, really drunk that night. I just wasn't myself."

I give him a sheepish look as I flashback to the party. "You were not drunk! You were completely sober!" He looks at me apologetically. "YOU kissed me! I could not taste a trace of alcohol!" He shakes his head. Suddenly my heart sinks to my stomach as I understand what's happening. I take a step back. "Oh." I say. "I see."

He takes a step forward. "Skye..."

I turn around and disappear into the crowd, fighting back tears.

He led me on. The jerk. I never want to see him again!

Taya is standing at our lockers, and when she sees my face, immediately pulls me into a tight hug. "Honey..." She says. "He isn't worth it."

I sniffle as she rubs my back. "I can't believe I ever liked that... That... That asshole!" I sniffle.

Taya brushes the hair out of my eyes and takes my arm. "Come on, we are going for ice cream. You can drown your sorrows in frozen dairy goodness."

I know I don't always show it, but I don't know where I would be without Taya. She is my rock.

Callum is nothing to me now. He was nothing more than a loser who was looking for someone to love him. He was nothing but my teenage dream.

And as we all know, dreams can very quickly turn into nightmares.

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