Meet... Akiko

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Apparently you guys like me doing these little chapters, so here's one for Akiko! I tried to make her look as similar to Blade as I could, but... Truth time, they don't look that much alike at all... They ARE twins, so Blade's skin is supposed to be a bit darker and Akiko's skin a bit lighter so they match up if that makes any sense.

On the bright side... AKIKO DOESNT LOOK GREEN! My phone is being kind to me and Akiko didn't come out looking green and her eyes are gold!!!! I am so happy right now!

Anyways, I hope you like her!

Name: Akiko Chika Oroku

Birthday: July 17th

Worst Fear: Although I'll never admit it out loud, I have a strong fear of water. When I was little, Blade and I were playing near some rocks on a beach in Japan. I slipped on one of the rocks and fell in the water. I hit my head and I was knocked unconscious. Luckily, Mom saved me and I survived, but I had a few stitches in my head. After that I've been terrified of water. I won't go anywhere near it.

Happiest Memory: Me chasing Blade around with a big spider as kids

Weakness: Water. Gets me every time.

Life Quote: Never let fear go to your heart and never let success go to your head.

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